Erin stomach bug

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It was morning, and started feeling ill, her head was hurting, and her stomach was killing her. 

"Baby, I feel ill." Erin whispered. 

Jay woke up, and saw his wife in tears in front of him. 

"Oh baby, your okay, come here." Jay smiled softly. 

Erin curled up in Jay's chest, and sobbed. 

Kimmy woke up, and saw her mama crying on her daddy. 

"Mama?" Kimmy babbled. 

Jay noticed their baby girl was awake, and she saw her mama crying. 

"Oh sweetheart, Mama's feeling a bit sick in her tummy, she's gonna be fine." Jay smiled.

Kimmy toddled her little legs over to her daddy's bed, and hugged her mama. 

"It okie mama, da da will wook after yoo." Kimmy whispered. 

Erin smiled at her baby girl, but she soon puked in the bucket. 

"It's okay baby, let it out, I'm here." Jay soothed. 

Erin puked for about an hour, then she finally stopped. 

"You okay now sweetie?" Jay asked Erin, as she cleaned her face. 

"Y-Yeah, Yeah I think so." Erin croaked. 

Jay nodded, and settled Erin back into bed. 

Erin cuddled into Jay's chest, and snored softly. 

Jay ended up falling asleep as well, until Erin puked again. 

Erin bolted to the bathroom, with Jay following her. 

Jay shut the door, and crouched down with Erin, rubbing her back. 

"I-I'm r-really s-sorry." Erin whispered. 

Jay had no idea why Erin was saying sorry, she hadn't done anything wrong, so he asked her. 

"Baby, hey why are you sorry, you haven't done anything wrong." Jay asked softly. 

"W-When I was y-younger, bunny u-used to h-hit m-me, for p-puking on the bed, I-I was 5, a-and s-she h-hit m-me, and s-said h-hurtful w-w-words." Erin sobbed.

Jay knew that bunny wasn't exactly a loving mom to Erin, and he couldn't believe that Erin would get hit and abused for being sick. 

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry, I'd never let that happen, remember our vows, in sickness and in health, and when I said them, I was so happy to able to say them to you, I'd never hit you, or abuse you ever." Jay explained. 

Erin nodded, and continued to puke. 

Jay lifted Erin's top up, and placed a cool hand on her back, and on her forehead, she was burning up pretty bad. 

"Oh Erin, your burning up, let's try a cold flannel." Jay suggested softly. 

Erin nodded, and waited for Jay. 

Jay put the flannel over some cold water, and washed Erin's body.

Erin closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the cold water on her body. 

Jay dried Erin off, and got her into some new sweats. 

Erin put the sweats on, and walked Erin back to the bedroom, after washing her hands. 

Jay placed Erin in bed, and then he got in, and brought Erin to his side, stroking her hair carefully. 

"You can sleep baby, I'm right here." Jay soothed. 

Erin fell asleep until she had a nightmare.

"NO, I'M SO SORRY MOMMY." Erin yelled. 

Jay woke up, and saw his wife screaming, and moving around. 

"Baby, your okay." Jay whispered. 

"NO, PLEASE MAMA." Erin screamed. 

Kimmy woke up, then stood up, and saw her mama screaming. 

"MAMA!!" Kimmy screamed. 

Jay noticed Kimmy crying, then he noticed that Kimmy saw her mommy screaming. 

"Oh baby bear, Mama's just in a nightmare, she's okay." Jay smiled softly. 

"Bubba, your safe, your in Chicago, with me, and our daughter." Jay stroked Erin's arm carefully. 

Erin woke up, and started crying again. 

"Oh baby, shush, shush, It's okay, It was a bad dream, your okay." Jay kissed Erin's temple, not caring if he'll get sick. 

"C-Can y-you hold me?" Erin whimpered. 

"Of course I can." Jay smiled. 

Jay took Erin in his arms, and rocked her softly. 

Erin fell asleep, so did Kimmy, then Jay. 

Erin woke up feeling a lot better, and glad she wasn't ill anymore.

Hi My Readers!!

This was suggested, hope you like it!!

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~ Stay safe 😊

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