Jay has a severe migraine

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It was one morning, and Jay was on Erin's lap sleeping, as he complained of a bad headache. 

Erin turned the tv down to 1, and asked Jay how he was feeling. 

"Baby, how you feeling now?" Erin whispered. 

"S-Still hurts." Jay whispered back, as he closed his eyes. 

Erin sighed, her baby was in pain, and he was out of it. 

"Oh baby, I can't give you any painkillers yet, as you took 1 an hour ago." Erin sighed, as she ran her cool hand through Jay's hair. 

Jay nodded, and fell back to sleep, hoping it will stop.

Kimmy came running down in her clothes, and went straight into the lounge. 

"Morning mama and da da." Kimmy babbled. 

Erin looked up, and smiled at her baby girl. 

"Aww, Morning sweet girl." Erin smiled softly. 

Kimmy noticed her daddy sleeping on her mama's lap.

"Mama, da da okie?" Kimmy asked, as he hopped on the couch. 

"He's okay sweetie, just in a bit of pain." Erin soothed Jay, as he whimpered. 

"Oh, poor da da." Kimmy pouted. 

Erin nodded, and turned coco melon on for Kimmy. 

"I'm just gonna settle daddy in bed, then I'll be down." Erin replied, as she started to wake Jay up. 

"Okie mama." Kimmy whispered, as she sang along to the lyrics on the tv. 

Erin smiled softly, and sat Jay up. 

"Let's get you back to bed babe." Erin whispered. 

Jay nodded, and leant himself on Erin's shoulder, while they walked upstairs. 

Erin opened the bedroom door, and walked in, then closed it. 

"Your gonna be okay bubba." Erin soothed, as she helped Jay lay down. 

"T-Thanks." Jay said with half open eyes. 

"No worries, there's a glass of water next to you, I'll bring some painkillers up in little awhile, just rest baby, downstairs if you need me." Erin replied, as she kissed Jay's head. 

Jay nodded, and fell asleep, cuddled under the duvets. 

"Love you baby." Erin whispered, as she walked out the room. 

Erin walked downstairs, and saw Kimmy in the lounge. 

"Hi baby girl." Erin sat down on the couch. 

Kimmy looked at her mama, and sat in her lap. 

"Hi mama." Kimmy babbled. 

Erin smiled softly, and plaited Kimmy's brown hair. 

After awhile, Erin realised it was time for Jay's medication. 

"I'll be back sweet girl, just gonna give daddy some medicine, and check how he is." Erin kissed Kimmy's head. 

"Okie mama." Kimmy whispered. 

Erin stood up, and walked gently upstairs. 

Erin opened the bedroom door, and saw Jay still asleep, face scrunched in pain. 

"Oh baby." Erin whispered. 

Erin quickly rushed over, and woke Jay up.

"Ugh.." Jay groaned. 

Jay and Erin's baby journeyWhere stories live. Discover now