Jay's dad!!

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It was one night, and it was just Erin and Kimmy at home watching Tv, Jay texted Erin saying he'll be late.

"Wook mama, big blue tweddy"!! Kimmy babbled.

"I know baby girl, he's so cute, just like you." Erin smiled, as her phone rang.

"One sec bumblebee" Erin whispered, as she answered the call.

"Lindsay." Erin spoke into the speaker.

"Erin." Hank paused with worry laced in his voice.

Erin knew something was wrong, first Jay's gonna be home late, and now Hank's calling her with worry.

"What's wrong Hank"? Erin asked, as she checked on her baby girl.

Hank didn't really wanna tell Erin that Jay's locked himself in the bathroom, and nor letting anyone see him.

"Hank, If it's something to do with Jay, what's happening?" Erin asked leaving no room for debate.

"Jay's father has been brought in for a dui, and Jay locked himself in the bathroom, let's just say it's you should see the other guy situation." Hank explained.

"Oh man, umm, is Jay okay like no internal injuries." Erin asked worriedly.

"Yep, no internal, he puked a couple times, just got the wind knocked out of him, I got will over here to check him out but Jay ended up puking all over him, then he locked himself in the bathroom, when Will left." Voight sighed.

"I'm on my way." Erin replied, as she got Kimmy's things together, and placed her boots on, and coat, then after Kimmy was ready, Erin put her coat and shoes on, and held Kimmy's hand, walking out of the door.

Erin got to the car lot, and unlocked her car, Kimmy hopped in without Erin helping her, but got a bit stuck on her buckles.

"Mama, I stwuck." Kimmy babbled, as she tried to untangle the buckle

Erin laughed, her daughter was so cute.

"Oh My Monkey, there we go." Erin smiled, as she kissed the the top of Kimmy's head, and shut the door.

Erin got in the driver's side, and drove to the district to see her husband.

"Where are we going Mama." Kimmy asked, as she played with her teddy.

Erin didn't wanna say that Jay Locked himself in the bathroom, so she lied.

"Mama needs to do some paperwork." Erin lied, as she parked in her usual spot, if she was going to work.

"Ooh, do I see Auntie trwudy?" Kimmy smiled, as Erin unbuckled her, and picked her up, then locked the car.

"Yes, baby girl." Erin smiled, as she walked upstairs.

Erin and Kimmy arrived at District, and saw Platt.

"AUNTIE TRWUDY!!" Kimmy screamed.

"Hi My Flower." Trudy placed her pen down, as she picked Kimmy up, and sat her on the desk.

"Do woo wanna do cwoloring with mwe"? Kimmy asked, as she placed her bluey bag down, and took out her pens, and books."

"Of course, I'd love too." Trudy smiled.

Erin was eager to talk to Platt about Jay, so she looked at Trudy, and cocked her head to the side, and thankfully Trudy got the memo.

"Alright sweetheart, I'll be back, Routledge look after her." Trudy ordered, as she kissed Kimmy's head, and went to talk to Erin.

"Copy that." Routledge smiled at Kimmy, and talked to her.

"Hewo Officer, do woo wanna cwolor with mwe?" Kimmy asked.

Jay and Erin's baby journeyWhere stories live. Discover now