Jay ~ Appendicitis

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It was night, and Jay had a stabbing pain in his right side of his stomach, he thought nothing of it, until he puked on the floor, while standing up. 

Erin woke up to Jay puking on the floor, and shivering. 

"Baby, it's okay." Erin whispered, as she got out of bed, and walked over to Jay. 

Jay sobbed, his stomach killed him, but didn't let the groans come out.

"Oh baby, it's okay, let's go to the bathroom." Erin smiled softly. 

Jay nodded, and let Erin lead him to the bathroom. 

They both walked in, and Erin shut the door behind them.

Jay sat on Erin's thighs, while Erin rubbed his back.

"It's okay sweetie." Erin lift Jay's shirt up, and placed a cool flannel on his back. 

Jay leant into the coolness, and ended up puking again. 

"Let it out bubba, it'll help if you do." Erin soothed. 

Jay puked his guts out, and this made his side hurt more.

Erin helped brushed Jay's teeth, and washed his face, then helped him up. 

They both walked out, and Erin saw her little girl awake holding on to the bars of her cot. 

"Mama, why does da da look swick?" Kimmy asked. 

"He has a bad tummy ache sweetie, but he'll be okay." Erin whispered, as she helped Jay lean down on her lap. 

Jay snuggled into his wife's knees, and whimpered, when a pain shot straight through him. 

"Ouch." Jay sobbed. 

Erin looked down, and saw Jay clenching his belly, and sobbing. 

"Oh baby, shush, it's okay, give me your hands sweetheart, and you can squeeze them, as much as you'd like. Erin asked sweetly. 

Jay didn't wanna let his hands off his belly, in case it would hurt more. 

Erin sensed her baby was scared to remove his hands, so she helped. 

Erin carefully removed his hands from his tummy, and let him squeeze her hands. 

Jay whimpered, when his hands were off his stomach, he wanted to tell Erin, but he couldn't. 

Kimmy felt bad for her daddy, she could tell he was in a lot of pain, so she decided to do something really cute. 

"Does Da da wanna have Mr Rupert?" Kimmy asked, as she picked her bunny up. 

Erin looked down at Jay, who nodded. 

"I think daddy would love that baby girl." Erin smiled. 

"Yay." Kimmy squealed, and jumped out of her cot to give Jay her her teddy rabbit. 

Jay held the teddy really tight, he loved his little girl, she always knew what to do, even though she was only 2 years old. 

"His name's Mr Rupert, he helps me when mwe swick, so he should help da da." Kimmy explained. 

"I think daddy is feeling better already." Erin replied, she knew he wasn't, but she didn't wanna crush her little girl's happiness. 

Jay fell asleep to Erin rubbing his belly, but then woke up screaming, he was in unbearable pain, which made him puke again.

Erin woke up to the loud scream, and noticed her husband puking again, she knew something wasn't right. 

"Baby, this isn't normal for a stomach ache, you've been holding your side while walking, and sleeping, tell me what's wrong." Erin pleaded. 

Jay and Erin's baby journeyWhere stories live. Discover now