Jay chicken pox

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It was morning, and Erin was awake dressing Kimmy, but Jay was still asleep. 

"There you go monkey." Erin whispered. 

"Tank woo mama." Kimmy babbled. 

Erin smiled softly, and placed the pyjamas in the cot, then Kimmy asked a question. 

"Mama, can I watch bwuey?" Kimmy asked. 

"Of course baby girl." Erin smiled, as she kissed Kimmy's head. 

"Yippee." Kimmy toddled off, and walked downstairs. 

Jay was snoring softly under the covers, and this worried Erin, 

Erin hopped on the bed, and started scratching Jay's back, waking him up. 

Jay stirred, then groaned, as he opened his eyes slowly. 

"Morning sleepy." Erin giggled, as she went to kiss his face, but then realised Jay had chicken pox. 

"Oh baby, is your face hurting?" Erin pouted. 

"Yes, it's itching so bad." Jay felt the tears start to form. 

"Oh Jay, your okay." Erin soothed, as she brought Jay in her arms. 

Jay started crying, his face was itching, and burning so bad. 

Jay slowly pulled his hands up to his face, but Erin quickly put them down. 

"Don't do that bubba, it will hurt more." Erin whispered, as she held Jay's warm hands. 

Jay groaned, and snuggled deeper into Erin's lap. 

"It's okay baby, I'll look after you." Erin smiled, as she massaged Jay's head. 

After awhile Jay fell asleep, and Erin fell asleep as well. 

Kimmy came in the bedroom, but then saw her parents asleep. 

"Oh nwo." Kimmy whispered. 

Kimmy grabbed Jay's phone, and dialled her Uncle Will. 

Will was in the breakroom, after eating lunch with his wife Nat, then heard his phone ringing. 

Will picked his phone, and noticed it was his brother Jay.

"Hi Man." Will spoke.

"Uncle Will." Kimmy babbled.

Will was confused, why Kimmy was on Jay's phone. 

"Oh, Hi Little miss, y'all alright?" Will asked.

"Mwe okie, but da da swick, and mama okie too." Kimmy whispered.

Will quickly grabbed his jacket, and raced out of med, telling Maggie on his way past. 

"What do you mean sick?" Will questioned, as he got in his car, and started the ignition.

"Well, da da has spots." Kimmy replied, and got nervous, when her daddy burst out crying, and her mama comforting him. 

Will sighed, he knew Kimmy meant Jay has chicken pox, but he was proud of his niece for calling him. 

"Hurry Uncle Will, da da crying." Kimmy sniffled. 

"I'm on my way munchkin." Will replied.

"Okie." Kimmy whispered.

They both hanged up, and Kimmy walked to her mama and daddy. 

Erin was try to soothe Jay to sleep again, then noticed her baby girl getting on. 

Jay and Erin's baby journeyWhere stories live. Discover now