Stomach flu

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It was one evening, and Kimmy, Erin and Jay were all on the couch watching a movie, until Jay's stomach started cramping up. 

"Ow." Jay let out a low groan, and it caught Erin's attention. 

"Baby, what's up?" Erin whispered. 

"N-Nothing." Jay smiled. 

Erin knew something was wrong with her husband, he was too damn stubborn to admit it, so she had another try. 

"Bubba, please tell me." Erin pleaded. 

Jay whimpered as another pain ripped through him. 

"Baby, come lie down, your in pain I can tell." Erin smiled softly, as he placed a pillow on her lap.

Jay gave up, and lied down on his wife's lap, hoping that would help. 

"Now sweetheart, what's hurting?" Erin asked, as she brushed a hand through Jay's hair. 

"M-My t-tummy." Jay whimpered out. 

"Oh sweetie, It's okay, do you feel like your gonna puke?" Erin questioned. 

Jay just nodded his head, and ended up bolting to the bathroom. 

"Oh Jay." Erin mumbled. 

Kimmy saw her daddy rush in the bathroom, with his mouth covered. 

"Mama, why did da da cover his mouth?" Kimmy asked confused. 

"Oh, he felt sick baby girl, but he's okay." Erin smiled. 

"Oh, poor da da." Kimmy sighed. 

"Yeah, poor daddy, I'm gonna go check on daddy, will you be okay?" Erin asked. 

"Wes, go see da da." Kimmy babbled. 

Erin smiled, and kissed her daughter's head, and walked to the bathroom. 

"Jay, baby I'm coming in okay." Erin announced, as she twisted the lock, and opened the door, to see her husband round the toilet bowl on his knees gagging. 

"Baby, I'm right here, you can let it go." Erin spoke softly, as she scratched his back. 

Jay was scared to let himself be sick, he hated puking even when he was little. 

"Sweetie, I know your scared, believe me I do, but if you keep it in your system, it will make it worse." Erin replied knowingly. 

Jay eventually puked his guts out, and sobbed in the process.

"It's okay baby, squeeze my hands." Erin guided softly. 

Jay squeezed Erin's hands, and leant back on her chest, while she washed his face, and teeth. 

"There you go honey, you okay to walk?" Erin stood up, and grabbed Jay's hand. 

"Mmm dizzy." Jay mumbled, as he fell on Erin's shoulder. 

"Aww, we'll go slowly to the bed." Erin smiled. 

Erin walked Jay upstairs to bed, with Kimmy already in her cot sleeping.

"Here we are, I'll help you lie down." Erin gently placed Jay's head and body down on the pillows. 

Jay snuggled into the duvets, until Erin got in, and instantly cuddled into her side. 

"Jay, I can feel you shaking." Erin sighed, as she used her warm hand, and rubbed up and down on his back. 

Jay stopped shaking, and leant into the new touch. 

"Close your eyes baby, I'll still be here." Erin smiled. 

Jay soon fell asleep in Erin's arms, until a pain ripped through his belly. 

"OW."  Jay sobbed. 

Erin woke up, and saw Jay sobbing. 

"Baby, snuggle down." Erin whispered. 

Jay lied on Erin's lap, while she rubbed Jay's sore tummy. 

"A-Ahh." Jay groaned, but then relaxed. 

"It's okay baby, I got you." Erin mumbled, as she lifted Jay's top up, and placed a heated corn pack on his stomach. 

"You should start feeling that soon." Erin kissed Jay's warm head, and noticed his was a bit warm. 

"You feel warm darlin." Erin muttered. 

"I-I feel terrible." Jay groaned. 

 "I know you do baby, it's okay I'm here." Erin spoke sweetly. 

Jay nodded, and fell back to sleep, hoping he'll miraculously feel better in the morning. 

Erin fell asleep as well.

Erin woke up in the middle of the night, to check Jay's temperature with a thermometer, she stuck the device in his ear, and this made Jay whimper. 

"Oh baby, shhh, It's okay, just me checking how warm you are now." Erin shushed softly, as the device beeped. 


"your temperature is looking good sweetheart." Erin smiled.

Jay just nodded, and they all woke up, with Jay feeling so much better.

Hi My Readers!!

I'm posting Erin and Kimmy sick tomorrow!!

I'm very tired, so comment and vote, if you'd like!!

~Stay Safe 😊

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