Jay & Kimmy sick

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It was one afternoon, and Jay and Kimmy were feeling sick. 

"Mama." Kimmy whimpered. 

Erin saw her baby girl whimpering her name, and Kimmy's eyes a bit sore. 

"Oh sweets, your okay." Erin soothed, as she picked her up, and felt her head. 

Erin felt Kimmy's head, and she had a temperature. 

"Mwe fweel swick." Kimmy cried. 

Erin knew her baby girl got emotional when she was sick, she picked it up from Jay.

"I know you do, bumblebee, wanna watch bluey?" Erin asked sweetly. 

"Wes, da da is sweeping." Kimmy babbled. 

Erin looked over, and saw Jay sleeping on the couch, sniffling, piles of tissues around him. 

"Oh, looks like you and daddy are both sick." Erin smiled sadly. 

Kimmy nodded, and leant her warm head on Erin's shoulder. 

"Let's go sit down." Erin suggested. 

Erin walked with Kimmy in her arms to the couch. 

"Oh baby." Erin sighed. 

Erin sat Kimmy on the armchair, while she helped Jay get comfy. 

Erin picked the used tissues up, and threw them in the garbage, she then picked Jay's legs up which were hanging down, she grabbed the comforter from the behind the couch, and placed it over Jay's body. 

"There you go cutie." Erin whispered, as she kissed Jay's head. 

Kimmy was sniffling, and this alerted Erin. 

"Oh darling, let's settle down on the couch with daddy." Erin replied. 

Kimmy held her little arms up, and got carried to the couch. 

Erin sat down on the couch, with Kimmy next to her, and Jay's head in Erin's lap. 

"Oh, My sick babies." Erin mumbled, as she placed bluey on. 

Halfway through the 3rd episode, Jay woke up, and had trouble breathing. 

"E-Erin..... c-can't.....b-b-breathe." Jay coughed. 

Erin looked over, and saw her husband struggling to breathe. 

"Jay, your okay baby." Erin lied Kimmy down on the couch, and helped Jay out. 

"Can you sit up for me sweets?" Erin whispered. 

Jay sat up, and tried to breathe, but he couldn't 

"In and out for 5, then out for 7." Erin guided.

Jay done the steps, and felt his chest opening up again. 

"There you go baby, just like that." Erin smiled. 

Jay managed to slow his breathing, and fell into Erin's arms. 

"I-I feel like crap." Jay groaned, as he blew his nose. 

"I bet, Kimmy's the same as you." Erin sighed. 

"Oh man, Who's worse?" Jay coughed out. 

"You." Erin stated.

Jay just nodded, and felt his sinuses tickle him. 

"Ugh, my sinuses hurt." Jay moaned. 

"Oh baby, lay down for me, and I'll get some vapor rub, for you both." Erin kissed Jay, and Kimmy's forehead, before getting up. 

Kimmy woke up, and her nose was blocked up.

"Mama." Kimmy replied. 

Erin found the medicine, and walked back in the lounge. 

"I'm here sweeties." Erin smiled. 

"Mwe nose fweels fwunny." Kimmy mumbled. 

"Oh my baby bear, I got some medicine for you and daddy." Erin replied. 

Erin decided to do Kimmy first, then she put it on Jay. 

"Alright, this should help sweets." Erin remarked, as she lifted Kimmy's top up and placed the ointment on Kimmy's upper back, and chest. 

"Tank woo mama, now woo da da." Kimmy babbled.

"That's right monkey, I'm going to daddy now." Erin smiled. 

"Okie mama." Kimmy smiled back. 

Erin walked to Jay, and saw Jay asleep, and sniffling. 

"I'm gonna place the vapor rub on your back, and chest bubba." Erin whispered. 

Jay nodded, and fell back into sleep. 

Erin lifted Jay's top up, and began to massage the ointment into his upper back, and rubbed it into his chest. 

"You should feel that kicking in soon." Erin replied, as she rolled Jay's top down, and kissed his temple. 

Jay nodded again, and felt some weight being taken off. 

"That feels better." Jay mumbled sleepily. 

"That's good babe, looks like Kimmy's fever broke, but yours is still there." Erin commented. 

"I know, I still feel like crap." Jay muttered. 

Erin rubbed Jay's sinuses, and this put him to sleep. 

Erin covered Jay's waist with a comforter, and walked over to Kimmy. 

"Hey my baby girl, you look better." Erin chuckled. 

"I AM, I FEEL BWETTER!!" Kimmy squealed. 

Erin laughed, and kissed Kimmy's head. 

"How's da da mama?" Kimmy asked. 

"He's asleep, but still sick, but don't worry, he's gonna be okay." Erin explained. 

"Yaya, that good." Kimmy babbled. 

Erin smiled, and carried Kimmy to the lounge. 

After awhile they all fell asleep, and Jay was all better in the morning. 

Hi My Readers!!

It was requested, hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~ Stay Safe 😊

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