Chapter 1: Something Witty

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Int. Art Studio – Afternoon

The following scene is a flashback that takes place seventeen years in the past and it begins in an art studio where Ichiryusai Madarame, a down on their luck painter, attempts to gain inspiration inside of an art studio but no matter how hard he tries, the canvas in front of him is blank. There are several other painters surrounding him, one of them being a beautiful woman about the same age as Madarame sitting right next to him, with bright blue hair, who isn't having any trouble painting at all. Madarame mumbles to himself in frustration. The woman with blue hair, accidentally, drops her paint brush on the floor by Madarame's feet. After noticing this, he picks up the brush and hands it to her, finally getting a good look at her face. The woman smiles at him, sincerely, lightening up Madarame's mood.

Woman with Blue Hair: Thank you so much! It seems I got a bit too into my painting.

The woman with blue hair chuckles, quietly.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Yeah, it definitely seems like you have a vision...hell, I can't even get started...

Woman with Blue Hair: Well, you can't rush have to let it come naturally, that's the key.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Since I'm basically hopeless on my painting, do you mind if I take a look at yours...

Woman with Blue Hair: Of course; it isn't finished, though, so try not to judge it too harshly.

Madarame moves next to the woman with blue hair to get a better look at what she is painting. It's an eloquent portrait of a perfectly drawn woman, holding a small child in her arms. The woman in the drawing has a red, silky dress and there is also, a rough sketch of a tree branch in the background that hasn't been colored in, yet.

Ichiryusai Madarame: This...this is incredible; how long have you been painting for?

Woman with Blue Hair: Oh...uh, professionally...never...but for fun, off and on for the last couple of years. It's more of a pastime than anything else; I'm glad you like it, though. I call this one "Sayuri"...

Ichiryusai Madarame: "Sayuri"...did you come up with that on your own?

Woman with Blue Hair: I actually did...why?

Ichiryusai Madarame: It's just...I'm sorry if this is sudden but would you perhaps, mind having a cup of coffee with me sometime? I'd like to discuss this painting with you in more detail; maybe, if I surround myself with someone as...inspired as you, it will help me break out of this damned "artist's block." Also, I seem like you could be nice company...I don't...uh...get out much, you could say.

The woman with blue hair laughs at Madarame's attempt at asking her out.

Woman with Blue Hair: I must not ask women out very often, huh?

Ichiryusai Madarame: I...uh...

Woman with Blue Hair: It's okay, I personally think it's sweet. Although, I should give you a heads up...

The woman with blue hair glances down at her stomach which, now that Madarame is looking directly at it, it does look a bit large, indicating pregnancy.

Woman with Blue Hair: Not too many men want to hang out with a woman who is already with child...if it makes you uncomfortable...

Ichiryusai Madarame: Not at all...that doesn't faze me in the slightest. Besides, if the child is anything like their mother, they are going to be an incredible artist as well...I'm sure of it.

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