Chapter 22: The Worst Mistake

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Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

The next scene takes place on the date of Thursday, May 27th and there are eight days before Madarame takes legal action against Yusuke and Ann. The group is deeper within the palace and are making their way up some silver stairs until running into a dead end. On the wall in front of them are a series of huge paintings, each one set in a different environment.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Hm, it seems as though we have come to a dead end; how disappointing. We have come pretty far, though; shall we come back another day?

Akira Kurusu: Not quite yet; let's just think for a minute.

Akira studies the paintings on the wall.

Akira Kurusu: Those paintings are huge and the closer I look at them...

Akira places his hands onto one of the paintings and to everyone's surprise, his hand enters the painting. Startled, Akira pulls his hand out of the painting.

Akira Kurusu: What the hell?!

Ann Takamaki: Are you okay?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Did...did your hand just enter the painting? That must have been a figment of my imagination.

Akira Kurusu: As much as I wish it was, it wasn't. You know, these paintings actually lead up there.

Akira points to another staircase that sits right next to the last painting on the wall.

Ryuji Sakamoto: So, let me get this straight; we have to travel through these paintings, in order to get to that staircase up there, to keep moving?

Morgana: Damn, great job there, blondie. You've just reinstated everything that Joker has already said. Feel any smarter?

Ryuji Sakamoto: Well...

Morgana: That was a rhetorical question; try not to fry your brain, thinking about it too much.

Ryuji Sakamoto: You're so mean to me...

Morgana: Yeah, but it's all to make you tougher. You'll thank me for it later.

Ann Takamaki: I don't really know how I feel about entering a painting...

Yusuke Kitagawa: To be able to enter a painting...what a truly unique experience that would be. It may be able to help me see paintings in a new light. In fact, it is quite exciting.

Akira sticks his hand into the painting next to him, again, which is a large painting of a forest and then walks through it, completely.

Ryuji Sakamoto: DUDE! He actually did it.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I like our leader's ambition! Come on, adventure awaits!

Yusuke enters the painting, before anyone can tell him otherwise.

Ann Takamaki: Going through a painting...why not?

Morgana: Don't worry, home girl; I'll accompany you inside so you don't get lost. A forest can be a dangerous place.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yeah, we might get lost in it; good thing we have a fresh food source by us.

Morgana: You sick fucker...I know you're Japanese but dare you say something so grotesque.

Ann Takamaki: Skull, we aren't going to eat Mona.

Morgana: THANK YOU!

Ann Takamaki: Unless it's our last resort.

The Phantom Thieves of Hearts Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now