Chapter 31: I Am Very Disappointed in You

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Int. Madarame Residence – Night

Madarame sits in his bedroom, alone, looking at an old picture of him and Yusuke. He begins to cry to himself. He glances at the picture one last time, before he heads out of his bedroom, to the painting studio. He sits on a stool, in front of the canvas with the portrait that he painted of him teaching Yusuke how to paint, with Yusuke's mother's eyes watching over them both.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Who would have thought, that the thing that would break my artists' block, was staring at me this whole time? I have been foolish.

Madarame continues to stare at the painting, feeling worse and worse about himself.

Ext. Shibuya – Afternoon

The date is now Monday, June 7th and on a tall building with a massive tv screen shown on it, Madarame's press conference is being displayed, where he is sitting at a desk with several microphones in front of his face.

Random Man: Huh, who's that on the screen?

Random Woman: Isn't that Madarame? Why does he look like he's about to cry?

Madarame begins to speak.

Ichiryusai Madarame: I...have gathered you all here today because...there is something that I must address.

Random Woman: Address? What's he talking about?

Ichiryusai Madarame: Over the last couple of years, I have been deceiving all of those, who have been enjoying my art...and...even deceiving myself. I...let fame and money turn me into something that the old me would have been ashamed of. The old me, who had genuine passion in the field of artistry. It has taken me this long to realize that I no longer deserve to be called an artist. No, I haven't deserved that title for years.

Random Woman: What could he have done?

Ichiryusai Madarame: All of the paintings of mine that are displayed in my exhibits...even "The Sayuri"...are nothing more than plagiarized pieces I've ripped off of others. The majority of my paintings were drawn by my incredibly gifted pupils, who's lives I have ruined with my own selfishness.

Random Man: Plagiarized?

Ichiryusai Madarame: I don't deserve to be part of the art world in this great country. And, for the cruel way that I have treated my pupils and...those, who I would call "family", I deserve to be judged...not only by the law...but by every single person, who has viewed one of my pieces of art.

Madarame begins to cry.

Ichiryusai Madarame: From this day, forward, I will never show my face in this country's art world and I will accept all punishment that is dealt to me. I...just hope...that the people I have hurt, can find it in their hearts to forgive this foolish old man. I...I'm sorry, have such a bright future ahead of you...don't let FOOLS SUCH AS MYSELF RUIN THE PASSION THAT LIES DEEP WITHIN YOU! I' greatest accomplishment never had to do with art. My greatest accomplishment was being your Sensei...I apologize that it has taken me this long to realize that.

Random Man: Who's Yusuke?

Ichiryusai Madarame: That is all I have to say. Are we done here?

The press conference ends as the screen on the building turns to a news program, talking about the incident with Madarame.

Newscaster: The footage that you just saw came from a press conference held earlier this morning for the world renown artist Ichiryusai Madarame. During this press conference, he openly admitted to plagiarizing work from his pupils, in addition to several other crimes he has committed in the art world in Japan. Madarame has since been taken into custody and is being interviewed as we speak.

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