Chapter 16: The Truth

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Ext. Madarame's Museum – After School

Yusuke, Ann and Morgana are now in the Metaverse, standing in front of the museum; Ann is now in her Metaverse costume and Morgana is in his anthropomorphic form as Yusuke begins to glance around in horror and confusion.

Yusuke Kitagawa: What...what is all of this?! How the hell did I get here...Ann...Ann, where did you...

Yusuke notices Ann in her Panther costume.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Ann, is that you? What is with that strangely arousing costume?

Ann Takamaki: EXCUSE ME?!

Yusuke Kitagawa: If only you were wearing this when I was painting would have made for an extremely expressive artwork...

Ann Takamaki: Why is every guy I know so fucking weird...

Yusuke notices Morgana and screams in terror, falling onto his butt and attempting to scoot away from him.


Morgana: The fuck you just call me...

Yusuke Kitagawa: talked...haha...this must all be some kind of fever dream. I must have passed out due to the stress of dealing with Sensei. Yes...that must be it...if I just close my eyes, wait a few moments and then reopen them, I will be back in front of Sensei's home.

Yusuke closes his eyes while Morgana and Ann look at each other, unsure of what to do. After a few moments have gone by, Yusuke opens his eyes.

Morgana: How did that work for you...feel any better now, horn dog?

Yusuke Kitagawa: So...that means...I'm not dreaming any of's all real?! Ann, do you by chance have a paper bag; I believe I might begin to hyperventilate!

Ann Takamaki: Stop being such an idiot for a shouldn't even be here...wait a minute.

Morgana: Damn, did you actually manage to form an idea in that giant fucking air head of yours?

Ann doesn't take notice of Morgana's rude comment but Yusuke does.

Yusuke Kitagawa: You are quite a rude cat...I wish I had a spray bottle at this moment so I could discipline you as such.

Ann Takamaki: Mona, we should show Yusuke the interior of the will give him even more proof that Madarame is bad news!

Yusuke Kitagawa: Proof...Madarame...what is this place, anyways?

Ann Takamaki: Here, just come with me and I'll tell you on the way.

Yusuke Kitagawa: But...where are we going...are we going in the direction of that shiny building?

Ann Takamaki: Yeah, we sure are...just stay close to me and the talking cat, alright?

Yusuke Kitagawa: I finally understand...I must have died and you are my angel, Ann, guiding me to the museum which is how I view heaven.

Morgana: This guy is even stupider than the other two...I think you really attract the wrong attention, Panther!

Ann drags Yusuke in the direction of the museum while Morgana follows close behind them.

Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

Meanwhile, Akira and Ryuji are outside the security control room, fighting the security guard, who is guarding the terminal and it is now in its Shadow (Creature) form which is a Nue, a large creature that has the head of a monkey, the arms and legs of a tiger and a living snake for a tail.

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