Chapter 15: A Painter's Lies

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Int. Madarame's Residence – After School

The scene begins in the art studio of the house, with Yusuke staring at Ann, awkwardly.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I have to admit, I didn't expect to get an actual response from you...what made you change your mind?

Ann Takamaki: I...uh...thought this would be a great opportunity to practice some of my modeling poses...would you mind giving me some advice or observations on my poses because it would help me with my future in the modeling field?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Of course, it's the least I could do since you are offering to help me in such a capacity. So...uh...are you ready to get started now or...

Ann Takamaki: Right now...yeah, I guess there's no point in dragging this out.

Yusuke Kitagawa: R-Right...did you need any help...I could remove your clothes for you if that would make things easier.

Ann Takamaki: WHAT?! Why the hell would I need your help with that?!

Yusuke Kitagawa: Is that a no?

Ann Takamaki: YES...I MEAN, YES THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL YOU'RE REMOVING MY CLOTHES FOR ME! Just turn around and I'll be ready in a minute.

Yusuke turns around while Ann whispers to Morgana.

Ann Takamaki: Morgana, now's your chance...unlock that door...and hurry.

Morgana gets out of Ann's backpack and shakes, noisily.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Did something just shake?

Ann Takamaki: It was just me...yeah...I shake when I get nervous...

Yusuke Kitagawa: How odd...sometimes when I get nervous, I sing songs from my childhood. Would me singing one ease your mind?

Ann Takamaki: NO! Just stand there quietly.

Morgana: This guy is an even bigger fucking weirdo than Akira...I didn't think it was possible. Don't worry home-girl, I got this shit; I'll be done before you know it.

Morgana makes his way out of the studio room to pick the lock on the door.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Is everything alright; are you almost finished?

Ann Takamaki: Do you by chance have a bathroom in this house; I would feel more comfortable getting ready in there.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Yes, it is down the hallway on your right...would you like me to wait outside of the bathroom in case someone tries to bother you?

Ann Takamaki: You're the only one here?

Yusuke Kitagawa: You can never be too careful...

Ann Takamaki: Are you some kind of special type of idiot?

Yusuke Kitagawa: I beg your pardon?

Ann Takamaki: It's nothing; I'll be right back, don't worry.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I will ready the canvas and be patiently awaiting for your return.

Ann gets her purse and leaves the art studio and makes her way to the bathroom. She finds it on her right and enters it, making sure that Yusuke isn't following her. She closes the door behind her.

Int. Madarame's Residence – Continuous

Ann is now in the bathroom and starts changing clothes until she has nothing but a swim suit on. Ann begins talking to herself.

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