Chapter 25: This is Utter Nonsense

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Int. Madarame's Residence – Night

The following scene is a flashback that takes place 16 years ago. A blue haired woman is drinking a cup of coffee while checking on a small baby, who is sleeping in his crib. She then leaves the room, not saying a word, making her way to the painting studio. She walks inside of the studio and takes a look at the finished Sayuri that has just recently been completed. Madarame makes his way into the painting studio.

Ichiryusai Madarame: You're up awfully the baby keeping you up?

Blue-Haired Woman: No, Yusuke is fast asleep for once. I just wanted to check on the painting. I managed to finish it tonight, finally. "The Sayuri."

Ichiryusai Madarame: Mind if I take a look?

Blue-Haired Woman: Sure, it would be nice to get a painter's take on it.

Madarame makes his way to the painting and takes a look at it.

Ichiryusai Madarame: There certainly is something special about this; to be honest, I'm usually not a fan of self-portraits but you've managed to make this one work particularly well.

Blue-Haired Woman: I'm hoping with this painting, I will finally be able to earn enough money to start my own life. I feel like I've inconvenienced you long enough.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Nonsense; you know I don't mind you staying here. I know how rough times can get, myself. Lord knows I still can't seem to get out of this artist's block.

Blue-Haired Woman: Well...I appreciate your hospitality...Yusuke and I both do.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Where will you two go once you leave?

Blue-Haired Woman: I'm not sure, yet. It'll probably be a small place but now that the pregnancy is over, I feel like I can begin painting full time.

Ichiryusai Madarame: That's what you've always wanted.

Blue-Haired Woman: Yeah, what about yourself? What are you going to do once the two of us finally get out of your hair?

Madarame laughs.

Ichiryusai Madarame: I guess I'll just keep trying to get out of this damned artist's block. It's getting harder and harder to pay the bills for this place.

Blue-Haired Woman: Yeah, I'm sure...

Yusuke's mother feels a strong pressure in her chest, terrible jaw pain and nausea, causing her to fall to her knees, holding her chest in discomfort.

Yusuke's Mother: I...

Madarame rushes over but Yusuke's mother stops him.

Yusuke's Mother:'s getting hard to breath...and the pain is getting worse. I think this might be a heart attack; you have to call...

Yusuke's mother collapses onto her stomach as the pain in her chest grows. Madarame takes out his phone to call 911, dials it but then looks at the Sayuri, hesitating in calling the number. He then looks back at Yusuke's mother with uncertainty in his eyes.

Yusuke Mother: have to hurry...I...

Madarame's thumb hovers over the "call" button but he continues to hesitate as he keeps glancing at the Sayuri and its beauty. His hand starts to shake as he struggles to make a decision, considering letting Yusuke's mother die.

Int. Café Leblanc – Night

The following scene takes place on the date of Tuesday, June 1st, meaning there are three days left until Madarame takes legal action against Yusuke and Ann. Yusuke is sitting at the desk in Akira's room in the attic, working on the calling card. Akira is sitting on his bed next to Morgana. Yusuke begins to struggle with making the card and Akira notices this.

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