Chapter 32: Done Running From Problems

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Int. Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital – After School

The date is Wednesday, June 9th and Mishima is sitting next to Shiho's hospital bed, visiting her. He's showing her the Phantom Thieves Aficionado Website that he's been working on and telling her about the Phantom Thieves and Madarame.

Yuuki Mishima: I still can't believe they actually took down a famous painter. Here, look at how fast the posts on the forum are coming in.

Mishima points to the screen on the phone while Shiho looks at it.

Shiho Suzui: And, what are all of these posts?

Yuuki Mishima: They're posts asking the Phantom Thieves for help! It's my job to sort through them all and send the most urgent and important ones to the Phantom Thieves, themselves.

Shiho Suzui: know who they are?

Yuuki Mishima: I...uh...I probably shouldn't have told you that. Eh, it can't hurt. You have to keep it a secret, though. Oh, and I can't tell you who they are, either. I promised them I wouldn't tell anyone about that.

Shiho Suzui: I don't know how you made all that. It looks...kind of complicated. I'm not very tech-savvy, I guess.

Yuuki Mishima: It's not too hard to figure out, once you get the hang of it. The app is already launched and functioning so all I have to do is go through all of these posts, delete the stupid ones and try to just leave the ones on there that I think are urgent and important! Hell, it's so simple, I'm sure...

Shiho looks sad as Mishima keeps going on about the app.

Yuuki Mishima: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bore you with the details.

Shiho Suzui: Oh, no. It's nothing like that. I'm just...I feel kind of worthless. You're out there making entire apps...there's a group out there changing people's hearts and making them confess their crimes and I'm just stuck in this hospital, relearning basic motor functions all day and sleeping.

Yuuki Mishima: Hey, don't talk like that. You're working hard in your physical therapy! Everyone sees that. I'm super proud of you.

Shiho smiles.

Shiho Suzui: That's...nice of you to say but...don't you kind of have to say that since we' know.

Yuuki Mishima: Oh, uh...yeah...hahaha...but even Ann was telling me that she was super proud of you too.

Shiho Suzui: Ann...she still hasn't visited in so long. I hope she's alright. She was just as affected by Kamoshida as I was.

Yuuki Mishima: Trust me, Takamaki is doing great! You have nothing to worry about.

Shiho Suzui: I saw an ad for this flower shop that just opened in Shibuya. It's only open at night, though, for some reason. The flowers on display there looked so pretty, though. If I wasn't stuck in this stupid hospital, I know Ann and I would have checked it out together. We used to love checking out flowers together.

Yuuki Mishima: Hey, you'll be out of this hospital before you know it. With how well you're doing in your physical therapy, you'll be back at school in no time.

Shiho Suzui: I've...actually been giving that some thought...

Yuuki Mishima: Huh, what do you mean?

Shiho Suzui: After what happened with Kamoshida, my parents aren't too keen on letting me go back to Shujin. They want me to transfer schools and...I might agree with them.

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