Chapter 27: I Will Never Forgive You

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Int. Madarame's Museum – Moments Later

The group is now making their way through the courtyard area, where the garden is, and they can no longer hear any guards pursuing them.

Ann Takamaki: You think we lost all of those security guards?

Ryuji Sakamoto: I don't hear any of them...

Morgana begins to shake, excitedly, confusing the rest of the group.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Mona? Are you quite alright?

Morgana: The...the treasure...we need to find out what it is! Just holding it makes me feel...feel...I can't resist the temptation any further!

Morgana places the painting on the floor and starts humping it, aggressively, disturbing everyone around him.

Yusuke Kitagawa: He's violating that artwork!

Ann Takamaki: This again...

Ryuji, forcefully, Pushes Morgana off of the treasure.


Morgana: S-Sorry...I don't know what it is about these treasures that put me in this kind of mood.

Yusuke Kitagawa: So, does the treasure often cause you to lose control of your sexual desires?

Ann Takamaki: He did this when we found the last treasure too...

Yusuke Kitagawa: How unpleasant...

Ryuji Sakamoto: Mona has a point, though. We lost those stupid security guards so let's just, quickly, check to see what this treasure even is.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious, myself.

Akira Kurusu: I guess that's fine; we have to do it quickly, though. It's only a matter of time before more security shows up.

The song "Life Will Change Instrumental by Atlus Sound Team" stops playing.

Int. Madarame's Museum – Continuous

The group uncovers the painting that they have stolen and it is revealed to be a poorly drawn stick figure with the words, "The Life of Bob", written under it.

Morgana: What the fuck is this autistic bullshit?!

Akira Kurusu: This is the treasure...was this a painting Madarame made when he was younger or something? I'm not getting it.

Ann Takamaki: This is honestly like something Ryuji would have drawn in grade school...

Yusuke Kitagawa: No, something isn't right about this. When Madarame spoke to me about his childhood, he made it clear that he always had artistic ability. Wait...

Before the group can fully assess the situation, four metal rods come out of the floor near them.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Guys, get back!

The group backflips away from the painting as a perimeter of electricity is created around the painting. Behind them, their exit is also blocked by the same rods, which make a large wall of electricity.

Akira Kurusu: Shit, our way out is blocked. We're going to have to...

The group hears laughing coming from the distance and Shadow Madarame makes his way towards the group, without any of his security near him, holding another painting, that is covered, in his hands.

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