Chapter 29: It's Your Fault

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Int. Niijima Residence – Night

Makoto is in her bed, going through old pictures on her laptop. She finds one of her, her father and Sae. Sae and Makoto both look a couple years younger and their father is hugging both of them. The setting of the picture is an amusement park, with a Ferris wheel behind them. Makoto talks to herself.

Makoto Niijima: I don't remember the last time sis was smiling like this. Why can't things just go back to the way they were? You left us too early, dad. At least, you're with mom, now. I just hope that you're proud of me, wherever you are.

Makoto's phone vibrates on her night stand. She reaches for it and picks it up and sees that she has received a text from Eiko. The text reads "Would you mind if I dropped by the student council room tomorrow, after school?" Makoto laughs to herself, quietly, and responds with, "Yeah, that'll be fine. I should be hanging around after school for a while." Makoto then gets more texts from Eiko that are various emojis, which makes her smile to herself. She places her phone back on the night stand, next to her, and closes her eyes.

Int. Akechi's House – Night

The following scene is a dream, where an adolescent Akechi is sitting alone at his house, staring at the home phone while sitting at a table in the kitchen. His hands start shaking in fear. He, eventually, gets up from the table, picks up the phone and calls his mom's cell phone number. The phone rings four times and goes to her voicemail. Akechi leaves a voicemail.

Goro Akechi: M-Mommy, you were supposed to be home, a couple hours ago. Usually, you let me know when you're going to be home late. Please, give me a call back. I'm really worried about you.

Akechi hangs up the phone, starts shaking, again, and gets ready to call her, again, until he hears a noise coming from upstairs. Akechi, slowly, puts the phone down on the counter. He makes his way up the stairs and approaches his mother's room which is partially open.

Goro Akechi: someone there?

Akechi pushes the door open all of the way and makes his way inside and sees his mother lying in her bed, with a gun in her hand, with half of her head missing. Akechi backs up, frightened, and begins to puke on the carpet of the room. His whole body starts shaking and he puts his hands over his ears. Footsteps can be heard, indicating that someone else is coming up the stairs and is approaching Akechi from behind. Akechi closes his eyes, not wanting to see who it is.

Akechi hears a menacing laugh.

Akechi's Father (Off Screen): The bitch finally killed herself. Seems like she couldn't stand raising a brat like you, either.

Goro Akechi: No, stop it!

Akechi's Father (Off Screen): It's your fault. I know that you want to blame me but she killed herself because of the stress of raising you.


Akechi's Father (Off Screen): You're just as naive as her. And she wondered why I left her as soon as she told me she was with child. She expected me to accept trash like you as my son?

Akechi becomes the age he currently is, in the real world.


Akechi's Father (Off Screen): And what are you going to do about it? You're too weak to confront always have been. You'll never be on my level and more importantly, you'll never be worth my time. YOU'LL NEVER BE WORTH ANYONE'S TIME!

Int. Akechi's Apartment – Night

Akechi wakes up in his bed, sweating from the nightmare. He holds his head in discomfort as he looks around him.

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