Chapter 26: Plan in Action

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Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

The song "Life Will Change Instrumental by Atlus Sound Team" starts playing. The date is now Thursday, June 3rd, one day before Madarame takes legal action against Yusuke and Ann. The group of Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Morgana and Ann make their way through the museum, trying to avoid detection from security guards since the security level of the palace is so high.

Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

The group is hiding behind cover and waiting for a large group of security guards to run by them.

Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

They, easily, traverse through the garden area, without running into any problems.

Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

The group dashes their way through the various paintings that they had to get through earlier.

Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

The group finally makes it to the room where the treasure is in, getting ready to start their plan.

Int. Madarame's Museum – After School

The team is now right outside of the treasure room and Shadow Madarame is still standing in front of it with several security guards standing next to him. The infrared lasers are still surrounding the treasure which has now materialized and is a painting that is covered in a cloth, hiding its appearance.

Akira Kurusu: Alright, remember the plan we discussed on our way here. Skull will take care of the infrared lasers, Panther will take care of the lights from that terminal, Mona will take the hook hanging from the support beams above the treasure and Fox and I will try to find a way to lower the hook. There has to be a lever or something to control it around here somewhere. Last, when the plan is ready to be executed, Mona will give Panther the signal and she'll take care of the lights; as soon as the lights are off, the lasers need to be turned off and the hook needs to be lowered and raised again, before the lights turn back on which is about thirty seconds.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Certainly a well thought out plan. I am impressed as ever by your leadership.

Morgana: Aye, no one likes a kiss ass!

Yusuke Kitagawa: I am simply being polite.

Akira Kurusu: You could learn a thing or two from Fox, Mona!


Ann Takamaki: Mona, stop being so loud. Are you trying to get us caught?

Ryuji Sakamoto: Seriously, dude, you need to learn to be...

Ann Takamaki: You really shouldn't be talking right now.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Me?

Ann Takamaki: If it wasn't for Joker and I constantly telling you to keep your voice down when we're in public, then every fucking person in the world would know we are Phantom Thieves.

Ryuji Sakamoto: That...that ain't true...

Akira Kurusu: Let's stay focused. We have to be careful not to engage in combat since we will all be split up. Let's get this done smoothly.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Aren't you going to say it?

Akira Kurusu: Say what?

Ryuji Sakamoto: You know...your thing?

The Phantom Thieves of Hearts Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now