Chapter 3: Yusuke Kitagawa

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Int. Shibuya Subway Station – Evening

Akira, Ryuji, Ann and Morgana show up at the Shibuya Subway Station which is completely empty at this time of day. They stand near the escalator that leads, underground, where the subway transit system is.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Man, it's kind of creepy around here at this time of day...why the hell did you drag us out here, cat?

Morgana: Man, just hear me out; you three still have those apps pulled up on your phones...the navigation one?

Ann Takamaki:'s been a while since I've checked my phone but I don't...

Ann takes out her phone and realizes that a new app has shown up on her phone (the same app that both Ryuji and Akira already have).

Ann Takamaki: this app with the weird eye thingy what you're talking about?

Akira and Ryuji also, take out their phones.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yeah, that's the one; you awakened to your powers a while ago, right? I think I got the app on my phone right after I awakened to mine...

Akira Kurusu: To be fair, I got that creepy app on my phone before I even ended up in that other world...I tried deleting it but it just kept re-downloading for some reason. It was actually pissing me off!

Ryuji Sakamoto: Well, Ann, we did use Akira's phone to travel to the Metaverse each time; maybe, you just overlooked it?

Ann Takamaki: That's true and I haven't been checking my phone that often as of late with everything going on...

Morgana: Anyways, don't you guys want to know how you ended up in that world?

Akira Kurusu: We used the app, right?

Morgana: Yeah but do you know how the navigation app works?

Akira Kurusu: Not a fucking clue...

Morgana: Damnnnnnn, where would you hopeless bastards be without me?! Basically, for most palaces, you need three things in order to travel to someone's specific need a full name, the location, and what they think this location symbolizes. So for Kamoshida's case it would be Suguru Kamoshida, Shujin Academy, and castle...althoughhhhhhhh...

Ryuji Sakamoto: Just spit it out, cat!

Morgana: What if there was a place where you could find dudes, who's desires aren't trash enough that they warrant their own palace...but still need to have a change of heart? Well, look no further! Blondie, speak into that app thing and say the word, "Mementos!"

Akira Kurusu: Wait, you just said we need three key words or some convoluted explanation like that? This is a lot to drop on us like this...

Morgana: You don't need three key words for "Mementos", it's different...

Ryuji Sakamoto: You know what I just realized...all three of those key words for Kamoshida's palace...did we say all of that shit by chance?

Akira Kurusu: Damn, you're right...that's a crazy coincidence...if we would have never said those words by accident...

Ryuji Sakamoto: We would never have gone to that other world...

Ann Takamaki: I'm so fucking lost...

Morgana: Hate to interrupt your "deep train of thought" but can you hurry the hell up and do what I told you, blondie?!

Ryuji Sakamoto: I just...speak into this thing...that'll work...why are you so knowledgeable about this app thing, anyways?

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