Chapter 23: Weird Roommates

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Int. Café Leblanc – Night

Both Akira and Yusuke arrive at Cafe Leblanc later than usual and Sojiro is waiting for them both.

Sojiro Sakura: You two are awfully late; it's almost closing time. Where were you two? You weren't getting into trouble, were you?

Akira Kurusu: Of course not; we were just...

Yusuke Kitagawa: My apologies; Akira was helping me with some homework at a diner in Shibuya. With everything that has been going on with Sensei, my studies have suffered a bit; Akira offered to help. It got late fast so we decided to just eat at the diner as well. This won't be a common occurrence, I promise.

Sojiro Sakura: Huh, I didn't realize he was actually smart enough to tutor anyone...

Yusuke Kitagawa: Oh...well...when he applies himself, he can be quite intelligent.

Sojiro Sakura: That's fine, I suppose. Just try not to let this become a recurring thing; I can't be waiting for you to come back like this every night. I have to go to bed early since I open shop so early. Plus, I do have responsibilities, outside of taking care of this place.

Akira Kurusu: You do?

Sojiro Sakura: Don't be a smart ass. Both of you should get some rest before it gets too late.

Akira and Yusuke make their way up the steps to the attic.

Akira Kurusu: Good save back there. I appreciate it.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Of course, it's the least I can do. You have done so much for me these last couple of days. Not only are you helping me fix Sensei but also, you are offering me a place to stay in my time of need.

Akira Kurusu: Well, you're definitely getting better in the Metaverse; that katana of yours is pretty bad ass. I might have to upgrade my weapon here soon.

Yusuke Kitagawa: It does make me feel like the samurai that I used to read about in the old manga that I used to hide under my bed at Madarame's. By the way, thanks for the gun but I'm curious as to how you managed to buy an assault rifle like that.

Akira Kurusu: Oh, I got my connections but it's not a problem. I tried to find you a gun with more...finesse but that's all the store had in stock at the time.

Yusuke Kitagawa: It proves very effective in combat so it was a wise investment, nonetheless. Tomorrow, we will continue to make our way through the museum, right?

Akira Kurusu: Yep. That's the plan. We're at a solid pace but now isn't the time to start slacking.

Akira places his backpack on his mattress and unzips it all of the way so Morgana can make his way out of it.

Morgana: I still can't believe you guys left me behind. I can't believe the level of disrespect that was shown to me back there.

Akira Kurusu: You were the one, who was trying to act all cool in front of Ann and got his ass knocked out of the painting.

Morgana: It was blondie's idea...

Akira Kurusu: That should have been a red flag, immediately.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I have to agree; Ryuji seems to lack...grace.

Morgana: You two are probably right about that. Aye, frizzy-hair, when are you going to call that maid chick back to your crib? Didn't she want you to call her?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Maid?

Akira Kurusu: She's my teacher...

Yusuke Kitagawa: Your teacher is a maid? You sure do live an interesting life, Akira.

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