Chapter 30: This World is Tough

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Int. Shujin Academy – After School

Makoto is sitting in the student council room, on her computer, and Eiko makes her way into the room.

Eiko Takao: I'm not interrupting, am I?

Makoto Niijima: No. Not at all. I was just doing some stuff for college applications.

Makoto closes her laptop.

Eiko Takao: Always thinking to the future. I wish I could do that. For some reason, I just can't stop living in the moment. I like to take things day by day.

Makoto Niijima: That sounds nice. Constantly thinking about the future can be quite stressful but my sister says that I have to start looking into colleges as early as possible.

Eiko Takao: Your sister kind of sounds a bit pushy, to be honest.

Makoto Niijima: She can be...tough on me, sometimes. All she wants is what's best for me, though. Still, I wish she was around more.

Eiko Takao: She isn't around much?

Makoto Niijima: Not really. Ever since my dad passed, it almost seems like she stays at work longer, just to avoid me.

Eiko Takao: That kind of sucks balls.

Makoto Niijima: Uh...

Eiko Takao: Oh, sorry. That probably didn't come off very lady like.

Makoto Niijima: It's fine...I just don't think I've heard a girl use that phrase before. Actually, I don't think I've heard that phrase used before, period.

Eiko Takao: If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your dad?

Makoto sits in silence, thinking about what happened to her father.

Eiko Takao: I'm sorry. It's none of my business. I didn't mean to make you...

Makoto Niijima: No, it's fine. I like to remember my dad, even though he's gone. He actually died in a car crash. A truck came out of nowhere and killed him.

Eiko Takao: That' old were you when it happened?

Makoto Niijima: It happened about five years ago.

Eiko Takao: And it's just been you and your sister since?

Makoto Niijima: Yep, she's been my legal guardian, ever since. Considering she's only in her mid-twenties, I think she's done a good job raising me by herself. I feel bad for her, sometimes.

Eiko Takao: Why?

Makoto Niijima: I...often feel like I'm a burden to her. If I wasn't around, she wouldn't have to work so many hours and she wouldn't be so stressed and angry all of the time.

Eiko Takao: I highly doubt that she thinks that you're a "burden." You're too harsh on yourself.

Makoto Niijima: Maybe, a little...

Eiko Takao: Aye, let's get off that topic. It's hella depressing. Let's talk about something more interesting. How's it going with the cute guy with the glasses. The one you tutor?

Makoto Niijima: He's...uh...

Eiko Takao: Come on! He's adorable and super into you! Or, are you just playing hard to get?

Makoto Niijima: No, it's nothing like that. I don't have time...

Eiko Takao: Nope. Don't finish that statement. There's always time for a little bit of romance. Let me ask you this. Do you have any interest in him at all?

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