Chapter 45: Useless

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Int. Niijima Residence – Moments Later

Akechi and Sae are going over case files about Kaneshiro, still not finding anything.

Sae Niijima: No matter how many of these we look at, there's nothing that could point us in the right direction.

Goro Akechi: He does seem to clean up his messes quite efficiently. He never leaves a trail. I can see why you've been pursuing him for so long.

Sae Niijima: I just know that if I get one more chance, I can send this asshole to jail.

Goro Akechi: Perhaps, a break would be nice?

Sae Niijima: You're right. Hm, you know what?

Sae gets up from the table in the kitchen and makes her way towards a cabinet. She opens the cabinet and pulls out a wine bottle.

Sae Niijima: Akechi, how old are you?

Goro Akechi: Uh, certainly not old enough to legally drink any of that.

Sae Niijima: I're right around Makoto's it okay if I pour myself a glass?

Goro Akechi: Of course.

Sae Niijima: I haven't had one in years. Maybe, it'll clear my mind a bit. I've been stressing about the Kaneshiro case way too much these last couple of days. Plus, the psychotic breakdown and mental shutdown incidents still bother me as well. At least there still hasn't been any of those, as of late...

Goro Akechi: I actually wanted to talk to you about that.

Sae pops open the wine bottle and pours it into a wine glass.

Goro Akechi: I have a...theory.

Sae Niijima: Another theory, huh?

Sae sets the bottle of wine on the counter, next to the sink and brings the glass of wine with her, back to the kitchen table. She sits down with the drink still in her hand.

Goro Akechi: You are right about there not being any psychotic breakdown or mental shutdown cases as of late but there is some activity that I believe may be somewhat connected.

Sae Niijima: What are you talking about?

Sae takes a drink of her wine.

Goro Akechi: The "Phantom Thieves of Hearts."

Sae Niijima: The group that's responsible for that gym teacher's confession and most recently, the famous artist Madarame's. Do you think they're involved, somehow?

Goro Akechi: I do. All of the targets that this group has gone after has had a theoretical "change of heart"...what...what if the "Phantom Thieves" are using a similar method to accomplish this as the individual responsible for the psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns. In fact, who's to say that the "Phantom Thieves" aren't responsible for both?

Sae Niijima: You think that these "Phantom Thieves" are the ones behind the incidents?

Goro Akechi: I'm not completely sure, yet, but I do believe that it is a possibility. Also, have you noticed that the incidents have suddenly stopped right around the time that the "Phantom Thieves" have started changing people's hearts? That's a pretty interesting coincidence, don't you think?

Sae Niijima: Hm, what you're saying is making sense. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you have any proof to back that theory of yours up.

Goro Akechi: Not at the moment...but...something about these "Phantom Thieves" does concern me...I can't quite put it into words.

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