Chapter 6: An Early Christmas

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Int. Rundown Building – Afternoon

The following scene is a flashback, where a young Yusuke Kitagawa, age 7, sits in Madarame's lap, as he guides his hand with a paint brush in it. They are in Madarame's house and Madarame is helping Yusuke paint a portrait of a small plot of flowers; Madarame is incredibly impressed by Yusuke's skill at such a young age.

Ichiryusai Madarame: That's it, Yusuke, slow and see, painting isn't too hard, is it?

Yusuke remains quiet as he, slowly, starts painting the portrait by himself without Madarame's help; Madarame releases his hand over his and let's Yusuke take over, completely. Yusuke is so invested in his painting that he doesn't even notice that Madarame isn't helping him, anymore. After a few minutes pass, Yusuke stops, realizing that he isn't being helped anymore.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Look at that, Yusuke, you didn't even need my help there at the end; that's a sign of true talent. The way you were nearly absorbed into the nothing else reminds me of a great painter that I used to know...

Yusuke Kitagawa: Were they as good as you, Sensei?

Madarame laughs to himself.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Yeah, she was...far better than I could ever be...

Yusuke Kitagawa: I...I still have a long way to go, though...

Ichiryusai Madarame: Don't be too hard on yourself, Yusuke; you're still incredibly young; when I was your age, I was nowhere near as good at painting as you. Your potential is astounding to say the least. Besides, you know what I always say, right?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Art should be about passion and creativity and done with the sole intent of creating something beautiful...that's the only reward that matters, not money or fame...

Ichiryusai Madarame: Wow, you quoted me "word for word"...impressive, but yes...never lose sight of what it means to be a painter, Yusuke. It's easy to be blinded by things such as fame, popularity and monetary value...I can guarantee you that none of those things will bring you happiness in this world. The only thing that creating something beautiful for the world to see...something beautiful that you can be proud of.

Yusuke Kitagawa: You mean like "Sayuri?"

Yusuke points to a painting, hung up on one of the walls of the room; a portrait of a young, sad woman.

Ichiryusai Madarame: When I drew the Sayuri...I can't explain what was going on through my mind at the time but...what I can tell you is that I haven't experienced such euphoria ever since. You need to find your "Sayuri", Yusuke, a painting that defines who you are on every level. It'll take's definitely not something that happens overnight.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I wish it would happen overnight...

Madarame laughs.

Ichiryusai Madarame: You and me both...

A group of 3 small children enter the room, all about the same age at Yusuke.

Small Child: Sensei, is it time to eat lunch, yet?

Ichiryusai Madarame: Have you and the rest of the children finished your chores?

Small Child: Yep, it's all done. Come on, Sensei, please, we're starving.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Well, I'm sure you've worked up quite an appetite as well; isn't that right, Yusuke?

Yusuke nods his head in agreement.

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