Chapter 37: It Was a Big Deal to Me

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Int. Penguin Sniper's Darts and Billiards – Moments Later

Makoto is washing her hands in the bathroom sink. Ann walks into the bathroom and notices her. Makoto starts to dry her hands as Ann chooses to confront her.

Makoto Niijima: Oh, hi Ann...are you and Ryuji finished with your game? How did you both do?

Ann Takamaki: Ryuji literally cost us the game...he has like no skill at anything it seems.

Makoto laughs.

Makoto Niijima: That's kind of harsh. I guess not everyone can learn a game as easily as Akira. So, how...

Ann Takamaki: You don't have to do this...

Makoto Niijima: Uh, do what?

Ann Takamaki: This nice girl attitude...I don't buy it. What are you really doing here?

Makoto Niijima: What do you mean? Akira invited me.

Ann Takamaki: Why would someone like you even want to hang out with him? Are you just stringing him along or something? I know you aren't interested in relationships or stuff...aren't you focused more on college?

Makoto Niijima: I...I'm focused on that as well. I just thought I could use a break...Eiko was saying that I should try to get out more.

Ann Takamaki: Eiko?

Makoto Niijima: Oh, she just transferred here...she's actually on the student council with me.

Ann laughs.

Ann Takamaki: So, the only friend you have is someone, who hasn't been here long enough to get to know the real you.

Makoto Niijima: Why are you being so mean to me? Did I provoke you?

Ann Takamaki: Why? You walk around the hallways all high and mighty, probably looking down on all of us. You never even eat with the rest of the school because you don't want to talk to any of us...

Makoto Niijima: That's not...

Ann Takamaki: Plus, you're nothing more than the principal's lapdog. You just do nothing but kiss his ass so you can get into a better college than the rest of us. God forbid you end up at a normal college like the rest of us.

Makoto Niijima: I...

Ann Takamaki: And the worst part is, people have been saying you knew about Kamoshida's abuse all this time and chose to do nothing! You just sat by and let him hurt all of those let him drive Shiho to kill herself! What kind of student council president are you? You can't even protect the fucking students at the school! You're WORTHLESS!

Makoto Niijima: W...Worthless?

Ann Takamaki: You had the fucking nerve to show up at the hospital where Shiho was...just because you felt FUCKING GUILTY! It all makes sense now. That's why you were there and you were the first person she saw when she finally woke up. You should be ashamed of do you even look at yourself in the mirror?

Makoto remains quiet and her fists start to clench. She laughs to herself, quietly, as she stares down Ann, coldly.

Makoto Niijima: Let me ask you something, Ann. You were Shiho's best friend, correct? Why the hell didn't you do anything to protect her? You had to have known something weird was happening with her...or, were you too wrapped up in your own problems to even care? Trying to push the blame on others isn't going to help the fact that if you had paid more attention to your friend, you could have prevented her attempted suicide!

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