Chapter 20: The Concert

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Int. Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital – Evening

The scene begins with a nurse escorting both Akechi and Hikari to the exit of the hospital and takes place on the date of Saturday, May 22nd and there are thirteen days before Madarame takes legal action against Yusuke and Ann.

Nurse: Hikari, you have your medication, right? Oh, and you know the hospitals' phone number in case something happens, right?

Hikari Sasaki: I got it, I got it; don't worry, it'll be fine.

Nurse: She...seems awfully sure of herself...

Goro Akechi: Did you expect anything less from her? Don't worry, she'll be by my side for the entire concert.

Hikari Sasaki: Akechi, you still have the tickets, right?

Goro Akechi: Of course, I wouldn't forget such a thing.

Nurse: Well, a cab has been called for the two of you and it will take you to the performance center.

Goro Akechi: I appreciate it.

Nurse: Just please, make sure Hikari never leaves your sight, alright? If something happens to her...

The nurse notices that Hikari is looking at her.

Goro Akechi: I can imagine it won't be too pleasant for me.

Nurse: Yeah...

Goro Akechi: Well, the two of us better get going; I heard these concerts fill up rather quickly.

The nurse, reluctantly, walks back into the hospital, leaving Akechi and Hikari alone, outside of the hospital. Hikari holds Akechi's hand due to the anxiety of being outside for the first time in a long time. The action takes Akechi off guard but he doesn't try to fight it.

Ext. Performance Center in Shibuya – Later

Akechi and Hikari are waiting in a large line to get into the performance center to see the concert.

Goro Akechi: Despite being an hour and a half early, the line still manages to be insane. Just how popular is this Risette?

Hikari Sasaki: She used to be one of the greatest pop sensations in Japan until she stopped making music. People have been waiting for her return concert for years.

Hikari begins to cough and covers her mouth with her sleeve. A woman with long, dark blue hair, who is standing behind the two, comments on the cough.

Blue-Haired Woman: Is she alright?

Goro Akechi: Oh, she's fine; just has a bit of a cough, that's all.

Hikari turns around and starts looking at the woman with blue hair, innocently.

Goro Akechi: Hikari, you shouldn't stare...

The woman laughs and squats down so she is eye level with Hikari.

Blue-Haired Woman: You seem like a curious one; also, you're awfully young for a Risette fan.

Hikari Sasaki: My mom introduced me to her when I was younger. She was a big fan and now, so am I. Wait, are you a big fan of her too?

Blue-Haired Woman: Well, if you can keep a secret just between us, I actually know Risette, personally.

Hikari Sasaki: REALLY?! You know Risette?!

Blue-Haired Woman: I sure do; I guess you could say we are...old friends.

Hikari Sasaki: YOU'RE SO LUCKY! What's she like in real life...have you and her...

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