Chapter 7: The Maid

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Int. Café Leblanc – After School

The date is now Thursday, May 13th; The scene begins with the group speaking with each other in Akira's attic. Akira is still roughed up from the night before but Ryuji and Ann are still energetic as usual. Morgana is asleep.

Ryuji Sakamoto: You still look like you're under the weather...feeling any better?

Akira Kurusu: A little...still tired as hell, though; I also had to explain a bruise I got on my forearm to Sojiro...I told him it was the self-defense club.

Ryuji Sakamoto: We have a self-defense club at our school...oh...I get you...

Ann Takamaki: Well, you should take it easy for a couple of days...and besides, he saved your ass, Ryuji, so you should take it easy on him.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yeah, that's a good point; that snowman would have probably killed me if you hadn't gotten involved.

Akira Kurusu: More importantly, what that student said about that Yusuke sounds like he's in trouble. He did mention something about having a Sensei...that must be Madarame.

Ann Takamaki: Yeah but the way he talked about him; it didn't seem like he was scared of him in anyway.

Akira Kurusu: He might be trying to hide it. Ann, do you still have his card by chance?

Ann Takamaki: Yeah, I think it's somewhere back at my place, why?

Akira Kurusu: Well, if we do want stop this Madarame guy, we're going to need more information on him and who better to tell us that info than his prized pupil?

Ann Takamaki: Wait, you want me to call him back so we can pester him with questions about his Sensei?

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, that basically sums it up.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Sounds like a pretty solid plan to me.

Ann Takamaki: Well...he wants to paint me, though...

Ryuji Sakamoto: Just let him; it's just painting. Seems harmless enough.

Ann Takamaki: This...this is all so sudden...I have...I have no idea how to model for a painting...

Akira Kurusu: I'm sure he'll show you how to...

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yeah, I'm sure he will.

Ann Takamaki: I...okay...I guess that's okay but I want you guys to come with me...just in case he tries something funny...

Ryuji Sakamoto: Don't worry, we'll go with you, I don't trust that creep anyways.

Akira Kurusu: I don't know if us going is the best idea...feels like we're going to be cock-blocking him a bit...he might get pissed at us.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Man, he's going to be fine with us tagging along, trust me!

Akira Kurusu: Alright, if you say so. If you two don't mind, I think I'm going to join Morgana and get some sleep. When do you want to do this?

Ann Takamaki: We'll do this in two days on the weekend so that way it doesn't interfere with classes and so you have time to recover and get better.

Akira Kurusu: Sounds good to me...this Madarame guy could be more dangerous than Kamoshida...we should tread carefully.

Ann and Ryuji nod in agreement and make their way out of Akira's room while Akira lays down on his bed next to Morgana. Akira, not knowing what to do, pets Morgana's head, awkwardly, before going to sleep.

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