Chapter 43: He Isn't My Boyfriend

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Ext. Shinjuku – Night

Akira and Makoto walk down the streets of Shinjuku, searching for the bar that Eiko had mentioned. The two look around them at the night life.

Akira Kurusu: Is this your first time seeing the night life, first hand?

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, it's prettier than I imagined it would be. All of the lights and...

A drunk man falls down in front of them and starts speaking gibberish.

Makoto Niijima: He seems drunk. He may have come from a bar.

Akira Kurusu: Hello good, sir! Could you tell us where the closest bar is? My lady friend and I are trying to get fucked up as quickly as possible to make things less awkward.

The drunk man manages to pick himself up off the ground. He points in front of them and they vaguely notice a sign that says, "Crossroads Bar."

Akira Kurusu: Thank you very much for...

The drunk man pukes right next to them both, before struggling past them.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, it really is beautiful around here...

Akira and Makoto walk by a fortune teller, who is sitting at her stand. She tries to call over Akira and Makoto.


Akira Kurusu: Nah, I'll hit you up if I feel like wasting my money on stupid shit that doesn't work.

The two walk away while the fortune teller scowls at Akira.

Fortune Teller: Little shit head.

Akira and Makoto walk up to the "Crossroads Bar" which is a small little establishment that doesn't take up very much room.

Akira Kurusu: Seems kind of small to be a bar, don't you think?

Makoto Niijima: It's the only one that seems to be in this area so this has to be the one that Eiko's friend was talking about. Now, you said you had a plan to get us inside. Did you get us fake I.D.'s or something?

Akira glances around him to make sure no police are around. He then opens the door to the bar and holds it open for Makoto.

Akira Kurusu: Ladies first.

Makoto Niijima: You...never had an actual plan, did you?

Akira Kurusu: Of course not; we don't need one. Just follow my lead.

Makoto, reluctantly, walks into the bar as Akira makes his way inside of bar, right behind her.

Int. Crossroads Bar – Continuous

Akira and Makoto are greeted to the small interior of the bar with a couple of booths to sit in and long counter, where the bar is. The bar owner, who is a large African American woman, greets the two of them with a very deep voice.

Bar Owner: Welcome!

Akira Kurusu: NANI?!

Makoto elbows Akira in the side.

Makoto Niijima: Be respectful!

Bar Owner: You two look like new faces, I don't think I've seen you around here before. You look awfully young, are you sure you're old enough to be in here?

Akira Kurusu: We're actually not here to drink. We actually need to talk to someone about something very important. Is there a private investigator here, tonight?

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