Chapter 21: Someone to Keep Safe

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Int. Performance Center in Shibuya – Night

Once the concert is over, the next scene shows Risette sitting in her dressing room, alone, going through her phone and it shows old pictures of her and her friends hanging out with each other. She smiles to herself until she hears a knock on the door. Rise sighs.

Rise Kujikawa: Already? I was hoping I could get a couple minutes of relaxation before the meet and greet.

Rise stretches out her neck, quickly, before getting up from her chair to open her dressing room door. She is greeted to the sight of about twenty of her fans, including Akechi and Hikari, standing outside of her door.

Rise Kujikawa: Wow, you guys are so fast! Come on in!

The group of VIP members walk into her dressing room and Rise begins to sign autographs, take pictures and even just talk to some of her fans. Akechi and Hikari are the last ones who get to speak to Rise so by this time, she is already pretty tired.

Rise Kujikawa: You two must be the last ones. Man, I forget how tiring being on tour can be.

Hikari can barely contain her excitement while Akechi stands behind her, not knowing what to say.

Hikari Sasaki: We...we ran into one of your friends earlier and she gave us her VIP pass, is that alright? I...I hope you're not disappointed...

Rise Kujikawa: Oh, you must mean Naoto; to be honest, I'm surprised she showed up at the concert at all. The only reason I sent her one is that I know she moved to Shibuya not too long ago. I wanted to invite all of my friends but none of the others live near here. I'm glad someone was able to get use out of the pass, though. What's your name?

Hikari is too awestruck to even speak to her idol and remains quiet.

Goro Akechi: She's a bit nervous as you can probably tell. She's a huge fan of yours, though; her mother and her used to listen to you all of the time.

Rise Kujikawa: Really? Well, your mom must have good taste in music!

Hikari Sasaki: She...she did!

Rise Kujikawa: Did...

Goro Akechi: A-Anyways, Hikari, isn't there anything you would like her to sign?

Hikari Sasaki: I...I actually don't have anything on me. They didn't let me bring any of my Risette stuff with me to the hospital...

Rise Kujikawa: Hospital...are you sick?

Hikari Sasaki: Yeah, I have some kind of condition with a big word...I can never remember it.

Rise Kujikawa: That's seem like you have a strong spirit, though. Here...

Rise takes a bracelet off of her wrist that has a small heart shaped charm on it; on the charm it says, "hope."

Rise Kujikawa: Can I see your hand real quick?

Hikari looks back to gain approval from Akechi, who nods, sincerely. Hikari extends her arm out and Rise wraps the bracelet around her wrist.

Rise Kujikawa: I got this when I was at my lowest point in my teenage years. Back when I thought about not making music anymore; someone gave me this charm to remind me, that no matter how tough life can get, you can never lose hope. Hope is the thing that keeps us pushing forward, instead of being stuck in the past. I want you to hold onto this bracelet for me for a while; can you do that for me?

Hikari Sasaki: want me to have your bracelet?

Rise Kujikawa: The person who gave it to me helped me find my path, sounds like you need it more than I do at the moment. Let it remind you every day that no matter what, never lose hope! Things will get better!

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