Chapter 38: I'm Done Being Scared

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Int. Abandoned Warehouse – Night

The scene takes place in an abandoned warehouse in Shibuya. Mishima is tied to a chair with his hands behind his back. He opens his eyes, slowly, as he becomes conscious. Upon opening his eyes, he tries to move but realizes he can't because his hands are tied behind him with rope. Mishima glances around him to get a better understanding of his environment but it's so dark, he can't see anything. Mishima hears loud footsteps getting closer to him. Three men walk into the room that he's in, one of them being Junya Kaneshiro and the other two being his associates. Mishima continues to struggle as Kaneshiro makes his way towards him.

Junya Kaneshiro: So, this is the kid, who was making trouble? Shit, I was expecting someone a little bit more intimidating.

Yuuki Mishima: Where...where the hell am I?

Junya Kaneshiro: At this point, that's not the question you should be asking yourself.

Yuuki Mishima: Huh?

Junya Kaneshiro: No, the question you should be asking yourself, is how the fuck do I get out of this situation I'm in? Spoiler alert, you don't, you little shit. You've gotten in way over your fucking head. Interfering with my business like you did...and for what? To protect a girl you don't even fucking pathetic are you? What's wrong...can't get a girl in your life so you act like a fucking moron to get one. Tell me kid, you got a special lady in your life?

Mishima looks up at Kaneshiro, initially with concern and fear in his eyes, but as he thinks about Shiho, he becomes calmer.

Yuuki Mishima: No, what girl would want me?

Junya Kaneshiro: Ain't that the damn truth. Hate to break it to you but women don't like pussies like you. I bet you're about ready to piss yourself with fear right now.

Mishima stares at Kaneshiro, trying not to show any fear.

Yuuki Mishima: You're right. I am a pussy. I've always been one but, I'm tired of it. I've spent too much of my damn life being afraid...of Kamoshida...of the other students...I'm done being scared. I don't care who you are. I'm not afraid of you and I could care less what you do to me.

Mishima starts shaking, slightly, with fear as he speaks.

Yuuki Mishima: So...whatever you're going to do, just get it over with. I'm not going to beg for mercy. I imagine I wouldn't get any, regardless, isn't that right?

Kaneshiro laughs at Mishima's statements. He grabs Mishima's throat with one of his massive hands and starts squeezing, making it difficult for Mishima to breathe.

Junya Kaneshiro: That was a really cute speech you had there. But, who are you really trying to fool? You can say you aren't afraid of me all you want but I know, for a fact, that deep down, you are fucking terrified right now and you really fucking should be. You're going to die like a little bitch and there's...

Mishima spits in Kaneshiro's face, causing him to stop strangling him, so he can wipe the spit off his face.

Mishima laughs, nervously.

Yuuki Mishima: I...finally did something bad ass. Too bad no one else was around to see it.

Kaneshiro begins laughing, once again, to himself. Kaneshiro makes his way towards Mishima. Kaneshiro, gruesomely, digs both of his thumbs into Mishima's eye sockets, pressing inward as hard as he can. Mishima yells in agony from the pain and his mind begins to drift away as he remembers the flowers that had fallen on the street back at Central Street, Shibuya.

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