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C.4 || Happy Reunion


"What time am I picking you up from the airport for?"

"Uh, you could swing by around six or seven o'clock,"Amiyah said over the phone.

"Seven or eight tonight?"I thought about how long this little party should last."Aight, I got it. See you then love."

"Bye boo."She cooed befo' hanging up the phone. I snickered to myself and dropped my phone into my purse.

Today was Kayden's birthday party and even though I was tired from work yesterday, I climbed outta bed to bring Treasure and myself.

I gently pulled my car up to the address that was on the invitation and parked on the curb. I took this time to check myself in my rear view mirror, trying to make sure my face was still alright. After this party, Amiyah and I planned to go out.

Treasure's eager behind had already opened her door and got out of the car

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Treasure's eager behind had already opened her door and got out of the car. She came around and bounced up & down on the outside of my door.

"Hurry up mama! Hurry up!"

"I'm comin', I'm comin',"I laughed."You gotta back up though so I'ca open the door."

Like asked, she took one step back which allowed me to open my door to get out. I shut it behind me and made sure to lock it before grabbing her hand. Her other hand held the gift she would give to Kayden. I managed to find the Bratz doll's head after wasting a whole hour in Toys R' Us.

I fixed my jeans before I knocked on the front door and waited patiently for someone to answer it.

"Hi,"An older woman opened the door before looking down."And hello ta' you cutie. Is that gift fa' me?"

"No,"Treasure shyly smiled back.

"Oh, I'm sorry,"She looked up at me & moved out of the doorway,"come on in. The party jus' in the backyard."

"Thank you,"I smiled before ushering Treasure in.

"You'ca jus' sit the gift right over hea'."She pointed to a dining room table.

Treasure did as told and clutched onto my hand to basically drag me to the back door. I slid it open for her to go out and she ran straight to a group of lil girls.

"You made it!"Kayden yelled.

"I tol' you I was comin'!"Treasure hugged her.

I smiled at the two of them and began making my way over.

"Hey,"I waved.

"Hey,"One of them looked up at me,"Treasure 'dis yo' mama?"

Treasure nodded her head.

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