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C.27 || Big Mistake


"Sugar, spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls."

I heard the sound of the cartoon show Treasure liked comin' from my tv but I tried my best to ignore it and remain sleep. She wore me out yesterday afta' the interview and I stood up playin' on Hazel phone for a few hours befo' I actually went to bed.

I don't know why she came to my room to watch tv when thea's one in the guest room but I won't dwell on it, as long as I can fall back to sleep peacefully.

I felt the bed dip a lil as she climbed in and not even a second later I felt her tappin' my face. I ignored her at first but then she opened my damn eyelid.

"Yes Treasure?"I sighed.

"Can I fix breakfast?"

"Mhm."I shut my eyes again and pulled the cover ova' my body more."Go 'head."

She climbed outta the bed and I heard her feet leave the room then head down the stairs. I sighed again and tuned out the tv in the background so I could go back to sleep.

But not even five minutes later I woke up again to the sound of the smoke alarm and Treasure cryin'.

I swung the cova' off my body and quickly hopped outta bed. I ran outta my room and into the hall, almost trippin' ova' one of her dolls in the process. I shot down the stairs two at a time and swung the turn into the kitchen.

"What..the..."My mouth dropped open at the sight of the kitchen.

Thea' was flour, smoke, and opened eggs scattered every whea'. Not to mention the stove was on, a skillet was about to hit the floor, and Treasure sat on the ground cryin' her heart out.

I left the mess alone and went straight to her, tryna see what was wrong."What happened? You aight?"

I touched her arm but she flinched away from me and continued to cry even louder. I took a glance at her arm and thea' was a big red mark.

"You burned ya'self?"I frowned.

Through her cries she nodded her head while allowin' me to look at her arm closer. Seeing it looked pretty bad I urgently scooped her into my arms and turned to head back upstairs.

First thing I did when I made it back in my room was grab my phone and called Hazel. I would just have to deal with her fussin' at me cause I didn't know what the hell to do.

"Hello?"She answered like she had just woken up.

"Ay, look i'm sorry for callin' like this but Treasure-"

"What?"She sounded mo' alert."What happened? Is that her cryin'?"

"Yeah."I sat down on the bed and let her lay her head on my shoulder."I told her she could fix breakfast and I guess she really tried to fix breakfast. She ended up burnin' her arm on the skillet."

Hazel let out a long sigh."Just...How bad is it August?"

"Lemme see ya' arm again love."I told Treasure.

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