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C.41 || Cut Off


Treasure's loud laughter filled the room as August spun her in circles while she clung to his back.

"Faster, faster!"She giggled."I'm gettin' soooooo dizzy!"

I groaned and turned my attention away from my computer screen."Can y'all please take that in the livin' room?"

"Aight."He finally stopped spinning, stumblin' towards the bed a lil."I'm ti'ed now Tink."

Afta' he carefully placed her on her feet, she stumbled into the dresser and fell out on the floor.

"I'm so dizzy."She giggled, still sprawled out on the carpet.

"Me too."August dramatically stumbled towards the bed before fallin' right next to me.

"Ouch August."I moved my leg from underneath him."You fell on my damn leg."

"My bad."He sighed, tryin' to catch his breath."Whatchu' doin' on the computer anyways?"


"What?"He smacked his lips and sat up."Hazel you on vacation."

"So what? I still have stuff I need to take care of. Today is our last day hea' you know."

"I know, so dat mean we need to be livin' it up."He took the computer off my lap."And not stressin' about reality."

"August give me my computer back."

"Nah man c'mon."He began to climb out of the bed."Come play with us."

"No August. Stop bein' childish and give it back."

He closed it."Nope."

"August!"I shot up."I didn't get a chance to save it!"

He smacked his lips and opened it again."It ain't even go no whea'. Scary."

Rollin' my eyes I restrained myself from diving outta the bed and beatin' the fuck out of him.

He sat the computer on the dresser and walked towards me.

"Don't touch me."I warned.

Doin' the complete opposite of what I said, he stood in front of me for a minute before lettin' himself fall right on top of me.


"What?"He mumbled into my neck.

"Get up."

He bit it softly."No."

"Move."I tried pushin' him up by his shoulders.

"Cut it out."He kissed my cheek."Mean ass."

I smacked my lips but allowed him to lay on me in silence for a few minutes.

Treasure sighed and finally stood up from the floor."I'm not dizzy no more."

August chuckled."You was dizzy all'at time baybeh?"

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