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C.21 || Wait is Over


"Which hospital are they taking him to?"

"I don't know but we need to get there fast, there's probably hundreds of people already standing outside of it."

"Which bridge should we take? The accident was near I-54."

"So take I-90, it's gonna bring you all the way around-"

"And bring me to the closest hospital, Riverdale, okay. Hazel, you alright?"


"Hazel,"Neveah shook me back into reality,"Are you alright?"

I cleared my throat and nodded my head,"I-I'm good. What happened?"

"We're gonna bring you and Treasure to the hospital love."Amiyah glanced at me through the rearview mirror."Is that okay?"

"Uh, y-yeah."I stuttered and nodded.

"You sure you okay Hazel?"Neveah lightly squeezed my shoulder.

"I'm good I swea', it's just crazy cause I was just talkin' to him."I shook my head.

"Yeah that just goes to show how fast things can happen."Remi commented."But don't even worry yourself girl, he's gonna be okay."

"Knowing his over dramatic ass it's just probably a lil fender-bender."Amiyah joked which made me laugh.

"Yeah maybe."

So as Amiyah drove to the hospital she didn't turn the radio back on, just in case any news reporter came back to give us an update on August. I listened to the girls talk every now and then but I didn't say nothin'. I couldn't really say nothin', I was still in shock.

I haven't known him long enough to say I'd be devastated if worst came to worst, but the lil bit of time I have gotten to know him means somethin'.

It would be weird not hearin' him talk shit and be his usual goofy self anymore. Not to mention how it would probably effect Treasure. I could tell she was gettin' attached to him and honestly, at first I thought it was a good thing, but now in the predicament he's in i'm not so sure.

"Okay so if I turn here we should be right...Damn."Amiyah said turnin' a corner.

Flashin' lights from the police and the ambulance filled the street. We'd turned whea' the accident was held and it wasn't lookin' too good. I made Treasure sit back against the seat so she couldn't see while I turned away from it myself.

 I made Treasure sit back against the seat so she couldn't see while I turned away from it myself

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