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C.37 || Surprise


"Tell me."I squinted my eyes.

"Nope."He smirked.

I smacked my lips."Tell me! You were gone for like a whole two hours yesterday."

"I was busy."

"Busy doin' what?"

"Mindin' my business."

I opened my mouth to question him again but shut it. Noddin' my head and pursing my lips I decided to let it go.

"Alright fine, don't tell me."I shrugged."Just thought we were cooler than that."

"Don't pull that card on me,"He chuckled and grabbed my face,"I was just out Hazel."

"Whatever you say Damon."

He kissed my forehead and walked around me to go join Tugga in the living room."Don't be angry."

"I'm not."I responded.

But I kinda was. Him, Howard, and August have been hiding somethin' from me these last few days since we got hea' and I wanna know what.

They all would eitha' randomly leave in the middle of the day or early in the mornin'; Sometimes August would even leave in the middle of the night. It didn't bother me the first day but the third day I got to wondering what the hell was goin' on.

And speakin' of the devil, August walked right into the kitchen with his eyes connected to his iPhone.

I kept quiet and continued cookin' breakfast for everyone in the apartment like I had been doing regularly for the past three days.

"Mawnin'."He let his phone drop in his sweats pocket and leaned on the counter next to me.

I glanced at him then went back to my pot.

I've also been ignoring the fuck outta August's presence for the last three days. Ever since the first day back home and he left my damn key at whea'eva he went that night I haven't spoken a word to him.

He smacked his lips at the lack of response from me."You really still mad about that?"

"August you lost my damn key, how could I not still be mad about that?"


"Afta' I gave you specific instructions not to lose it, what'd you do?"


"Hm?"I hummed."Speak louder cause I can't hea' you."

He stared at me for a minute befo' lettin' out a sigh of frustration."I lost it but I got it back last night."


"If you would've let me talk I could've told you,"He took my key out of his pocket and sat it on the counter,"that I went back and got it."

I looked at him then the key.

"I think the words you lookin' for is thank you."He smirked.

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