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I turned the tv up louder for the girls so that it could drown out the shoutin' comin' from Chandra, August, and Melvin downstairs.


"Yeah baby?"I asked, stroking her hair.

"Did daddy bring us some stuff back?"

"He did. It's downstairs in the livin' room."

"I'ca go get it?"She hopped up excitedly.

"Me too!"Kayden stood up.

"No, y'all have to wait in hea' for it."

"Why?"Treasure frowned.

"Because I said so."I tilted my head at her, causing her frown to deepen.

"Well...What he got us?"Chay asked.

"A lot of stuff."I shrugged.

"Stuff like what?"Kayden asked, sittin' back down next to Treasure.

"It's a surprise."I chuckled."What are y'all so hype for?"

"Because it's borin'."Mya frowned."I wanna go to the movie room and watch a movie."

"Me too."Chay, Kayden, and Treasure agreed.

I let out a sigh, knowin' they wouldn't stop "wanting stuff" until they got to go downstairs. I could still hea' August and them arguing in the kitchen so I knew I still couldn't bring them down.

"Alright look, if I leave y'all up hea' for a minute to get y'all gifts-"

"Ouuu!"They all squealed excitedly.

"Can I get through my sentence?"I laughed.

"Oh..okay, go."Treasure smiled.

"I was sayin' would y'all be cool up here for a few seconds while I run downstairs to get y'all gifts?"

Not bein' able to tone down their excitement they eagerly nodded their heads.

"Okay, I'll be back in a second. Do not leave outta this room."I warned, pointing my finger at them.

They all nodded again before I stood up to leave the room.

Preparing myself to head downstairs I huffed and opened the room door.

The shouting got louder from thea' so I quickly shut the room door behind me. I took the steps down two at a time to speed up the process.

Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs and got my hands on the bags I heard a loud slam come from the kitchen.

"August stop!"Chandra shouted.

I could hear August grunting and more slammin' while Chandra pleaded for him to stop doin' whatever it was he was doin'.

Dropping the bags to the floor I jogged to the kitchen to see what the hell was goin' on.

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