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C.44 || Interview


"So she didn't say nothin'?"

He shook his head."Not a word. She said she'a talk to me about it today."

"But I thought you were goin' out to talk to your publicist today?"

"I am. I'ca talk to Cha sometime later."


"Yup."I felt his arms snake around my waist from behind."Damn."

"What?"I looked at him through the mirror.

"You gotta look and smell this good for a la' interview?"He kissed my neck."Betta' be a lady you meetin' with."

I rolled my eyes."Shut up stupid and it's actually a male I'm meetin' with for your information."

"A male? You goin' meet a nigga in this?"He pulled at my skirt."Oh uh-uh love, you gotta change real quick."

"August I am not changin' my outfit."I chuckled."Quit actin' stupid."

"Uh-uh, come up outta this."He tried unzipping my skirt.

"August, chill out."I chuckled, moving away from him.

Instead of leavin' me alone he did the complete opposite by continuing to try and undress me.

"August!"I shouted, hitting his arm away from me afta' he pushed me on the bed and began to unbutton my shirt.

"Damn you loud. We might have to fix that befo' we fuck."

I lightly slapped his face."Stop."

"Stop what?"He laughed, hoverin' over me.

"Don't call it that. That makes it sound triflin'."

"Oh does it?"

"Yes it does so stop."

Smilin' to himself, he leaned down to kiss me."Well my bad baybeh. What I meant was we might have to fix that befo' we make love."

"You annoy me so much."I mumbled against his lips as he continue to kiss me.

"But you like when I annoy you so stop frontin'."

"If you say so."I sighed."Now please get up so I can get in my car and get to whea' I need to be."

"You drivin' your car out thea'?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I wanted Bourbon to bring you."

"For what? I can just drive myself thea' and back."

"But I wanted you to stop by me."

"Why? Aren't you lookin' at agents today?"

"Yeah and I wantchu' to be thea' when I decide."

"I don't know. I mean we're both gonna be outta the house for a while and Chandra's gonna be stuck with the girls."

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