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C.57 || Merry Christmas


Turning over in my bed while asleep I expected to bump into Treasure. But after only meeting a cold, empty spot my tired eyes popped open.

"Treasure?"I sat up, lookin' towards the bathroom to see if that's where she was.

Seeing the bathroom light was off and Treasure wasn't anywhere else in the room I quickly sprung outta bed, ignoring the dizziness I felt after doin' so.

Holdin' my stomach I walked to my door and stepped out into the hall. It was real quiet but I could hea' movement coming from the kitchen downstairs.

Movin' slowly so I couldn't be heard, I made my way down the stairs.

The closer I got the more I could hea' a familiar crunching sound.

"My teacher told me I'm very smart."Treasure spoke, clearly talkin' to someone else in the kitchen.

"Oh yeah?"I heard his voice.

My mouth hung open the minute I turned the corner and saw Treasure & August sitting at the table eating cereal.

"Yup, and she..."Treasure froze after she saw me standing behind them,"oh hey mama."

Hearin' her acknowledge me August spun around in his chair, a slick smirk on his face.

"Shit, I was hoping you would sleep through the night."

With my mouth hung wide open all I could do is blink back in shock. He stood from the stool just as a single tear rolled down my cheek. I opened my arms to him and wrapped them around his neck while he did the same to my waist.

"You missed me?"He mumbled near my ear before kissing my cheek.

"Mhm."I could only hum and nod since I knew my voice would come out too shakey.

He pulled back from our embrace only to place his hands on either side of my wet face and place a small kiss on my lips.

He chuckled,"I missed you too."

Finally having the courage and ability to speak again, I shook my head."H-How did you even-"

"Took a first class flight hea'. I figured using the jet would give it away."

"But you said on the phone.."

"That I wasn't comin', I know."He nodded."I lied. I just wanted to surprise you tomorrow mawnin'. You kinda messed that up for me though."

He laughed a bit making me laugh as well."Sorry."

"It's all good. I'm just glad to be back to you."

"How long can you stay?"

"Till after New Years."

I sighed with a bit of relief. It wasn't long but it was longer than usual and I was thankful for it nonetheless.

Still not over havin' him standing in front of me, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer so that I could lay my head on his chest.

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