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C. 48 || Confrontation pt.1


"August, stop."I whined, feeling him creep his hands under my silk night gown.

"Get up then."He kissed my neck, still roaming his hands even though I asked him to stop.

"No, give me a few minutes."I pulled the cover over my head, his head included since he had lain himself on me.

He continued to leave open-mouthed kisses all over my neck while I tried to ignore him and get some more sleep. One of his hands squeezed my inner thigh while his other crept to my butt.

"August please move."I grumbled, not wanting the feeling of his cool tongue to bother me.

"Get up then."He mumbled into my neck."You know we got a flight to catch."

I remained quiet, trying to ignore him as best as I could. Eventually I spoke up again since that wasn't working.

"Baby please just give me a few more minutes."I begged.

I heard him go silent for a second.

He sighed."I guess I could give you a few mo' minutes since I'm baybeh now."

I giggled quietly but felt relieved once he rose his body from mine and walked out of the room to probably get Treasure ready.

We're supposed to be catching a flight on his jet to New Orleans but I'm honestly worn the hell out.

I don't know what it is, probably out of work, August, and Treasure, but I just can't catch a break. My body always feels so damn tired and restless. August does absolutely nothin' to help the cause of course, considering we had sex three more times in the past week.

After what felt like an hour I finally decided to get up & get ready to go.

"Look who finally decided to wake up."August came into the room, fully dressed & lookin' damn good.

"I know right."I smiled, putting my earrings in."Did you cook breakfast?"

"I did."He chuckled, coming up to me just to snake his arms around my waist."How you'ca smell dat from way up hea'?"

"I'm hungry as hell. Is Treasure dressed?"

"Mhm. Did it all by herself too."

"Oh really?"I frowned."That can't be too good."

He laughed."Don't do my baybeh that. She did a good job."

"Oh did she? Is she even matching or is she wearin' the princess outfit I told you to throw away while she was sleepin'?"

"She wearin' a nice la' outfit her daddy approved of and her mama shouldn't be worryin' about."He kissed me."Now you ready to go or what?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."I looked him up and down."You look hella ready."

"Oh you like this hea'?"He stepped back, dusting his shirt off."I just kinda threw it together."

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