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C.19 || The Test


"So are you really gonna sit thea' and cry?"I tilted my head at her.

"Leave her alone. It's aight Treasure. Ya' mama already told you you not gettin' a shot."August wiped Treasure's tears away.

The three of us had been sittin' in the clinic for a good thirty minutes, basically waitin' on the doctor to come in with his kit, and Treasure was already deep down in her feelings.

She cried the minute I took her out the car.

"You shut up 'cause I wasn't talkin' to you."I rolled my eyes at him.

He chuckled, obviously finding some humor in my annoyance,"So you still mad?"

"Yeah, so stop talkin' to me."

"How you expected her to not be all ova' social media Hazel?"

"I knew she would pop up some places but I wasn't expecting for all them people to be takin' pictures with her like she was a toy or somethin'."

"Look,"He sighed and ran a hand down his face,"we not finna do this. Especially not with her in hea'."

"I know we not, that's why I told you to stop talkin' to me. Duh."I responded smartly.

He shook his head and started to say somethin' but the room door opened.

The old doctor walked in with his materials and a friendly smile. He immediately caught Treasure's eyes first so she slid down on the check up bed, huggin' August closer to her so that the man couldn't touch her.

I straightened my laid back posture in the waitin' chair as he held his hand out to me,"Good morning, I'm your doctor for today, Dr.Hendrix and you are?"

"Hazel, Hazel Langston."I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Ms.Langston, I assume you're the mother."

"Yes sir,"I nodded.

He nodded then moved onto August,"And you are?"

"August, August Alsina."

"Nice to meet you Mr.Alsina,"He shook his hand,"Now am I only testing you or am I testing mother as well?"

"Uh,"August looked to me for the answer.

I shrugged,"It doesn't really matter."

"Okay."He nodded then finally turned to Treasure."Hello little one. How are you this morning?"

"Good."She nodded shyly.

"So why are you crying?"

"Because you gon' gimmie a shot."She cried, huggin' August closer to her. Meanwhile, he just looked so clueless as to how to keep her calm and I couldn't help but to laugh quietly to myself.

"No honey, I promise I won't give you a shot."

She rubbed her eye."You not?"

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