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C.56 || Happy ThanksGiving


"Damon stop acting crazy and chop those vegetables."I chuckled, shaking my head at him while stirring the pot.

"How am I actin' crazy? I'm serious."

"Yeah I bet."I continued to laugh at him.

With it bein' Thanksgiving today everyone decided to come over to my house. I didn't mind since I knew I'd be a little sad knowin' Treasure and I couldn't spend it with August. He's still out in Cali filming and wouldn't be able to make it.

As of now though, Damon's helping me cook while everybody else is pretty much out gettin' more stuff to cook and decorate the house.

"So you talk to him yet?"

"Not today but I did yesterday."

"How everything been goin'?"

I sighed."It's hard but we're makin' it."

"And Treasure?"

"Surprisingly she been doin' okay."I admitted."Ever since August got her that phone she's been occupied."

"A phone?"He laughed."To call who?"

I shrugged while shaking my head."Your guess is just as good as mine. Other than August she doesn't have anyone else to call. I haven't programmed everybody's number in thea' yet but when I do, be expecting calls from her in the middle of the night."

He laughed."Lookin' forward to it."

Movin' about the kitchen, tossing different spices and vegetables around, I was finally able to let it all either bake or fry.

"Wooh, I am beat."I wiped my forehead then took a seat at the table.

Lookin' back at me from the stove, he chuckled."You look it."

"Really? Thanks."I smiled sarcastically.

"I'm just sayin'."He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and toyed with my ring."I know. I'm just bein' lazy and slouchy."

"Well that's normal for a pregnant woman."He said, eyes attached to the pot.

I quickly looked up from my ring."Excuse me?"

"I said it's normal,"He cut the stove off and turned around with a smirk,"for a pregnant woman."

"..How in the hell did you-"

"I was the first person you told the last time you were pregnant, remember?"

"..So what?"

"So I know how you act when you're pregnant."He laughed and folded his arms across his chest."How far are you?"

"Four months."

"Told anybody else yet?"

"Nope. I was gonna do it today but I mean if you have me figured out, I guess everybody else will too."

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