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C.24 || Stormy Night


"You doin' it too hard."Treasure whined.

"Lighten ya' grip Hazel."

She stopped to turn and look at me."Do you wanna do this?"

"Nah but-"

"Then shut up."She went back to doin' Treasure's hair."Treasure knows exactly how this goes and she whines every time."

"Don't that tell you somethin'?"I chuckled.

She ignored me and continued doin' Treasure's hair.

We all woke up around an hour ago and Hazel was preparin' to get dropped off to the airport. I called Bourbon earlier this mawnin' to tell him to come scoop us all up so that it'd be easier for Teeasure and I to just head home afta' we dropped Hazel off. I don't know what these three days hold but hopefully we be okay.

"It should be good like this for today."

"Just for today?"I tilted my head.

"Yeah. She usually messes it up at night so just take it out and wash it."

"Wash it? With what?"

She sighed."I put it in her bag August. She knows what to do."

"Coo', coo'."I nodded."Thanks for lettin' me crash hea' last night."

"I would say no problem but you gave me hell last night."

"What I did?"I laughed.

"First of all you kept yankin' my hair in the car, then you sent me nudes-"

"Mine?"I smirked.

"No! Some randoms."

"Oh,"I snickered,"my bad. Did they at least look good?"

She tilted her head,"You think I cared whetha' or not they looked good?"

"Nah but it don't hurt to be honest."

She sighed and rolled her eyes,"Anyways, so we got home and you were complaining about how you were hungry or whateva'."

"You fed me?"

"Hell no. It was way too late for that."

"Wow, so you didn't feed me, you didn't bathe me, you just ain't do nothin' to care for me."I shook my head.

"Because that's not my job. You got everything done this mornin' didn't you?"

I shrugged."Yeah but-"

"Okay, so that means your alive."She smoothed over Treasure's baby hairs."Go make sure you have everything packed mama."

Both Hazel and Treasure moved from their spots while I remained in my seat on the bed. I took this time out to look around the room since I neva' really had the chance to do so.

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