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C.58 || Nothing but Trouble

2 months later


"Alright kids, start cleaning up around the room for recess."Treasure's teacher Mrs.Scott clapped her hands to get the attention of the students around her.

The chattering came a bit louder in volume as the students' excitement rushed in. Treasure silently cleaned her area up seeing as though she wasn't having much fun to begin with. Kayden wasn't at school today because she had a doctor's appointment so Treasure was by herself.

Of course she had a couple of other friends here but she mainly stuck around Kayden. After all, why not hang around your own cousin?

"Treasure I'm having a party soon."One of the little boys in her class came up to her to say.

"Fa'real? When?"She smiled.

"In a couple days. My mama making my invitations now."

"I'mma have a invitation?"

"Yup and I'll give you another one so your mama can come."

Treasure frowned a little before asking,"Well my mama about to have her baby in a lil while so she might not wanna come."

"It's okay. I'll get the baby a invitation too."The little boy shrugged.

Treasure smiled again."Okay! Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

And after the little boy ran away, Treasure finished up picking up all the toys she had played with.

"Is everyone finished?"Mrs.Scott finally questioned, looking around her classroom to make sure it was clean.

"Yeah!"All of her students shouted.

"Are you all sure?"She questioned.

"Yeah!"They responded.

"Are you all really, really sure?"She smirked, playing with them a bit.

"Yeah!"They shouted.

"Are you all really, really, really sure?"


"Are you all really, really, really, really, really, really sure?"She repeated faster.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"The kids chanted quicker.

"Are you all really, really, a million times really, super-duper, ice cream scooper sure?"She smiled.

"Yeah!"They shouted through giggles.

"Then line up at the door slow pokes! What are you sitting for?"

Giggling to themselves, the young children all raced to the door. Treasure was first in line, as always, and waited patiently for Mrs.Scott.

"Door holder?"Mrs.Scott questioned.

The little girl who was the door holder for the week went to the door. With Mrs.Scott's assistance she allowed her to hold the door.

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