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C.23 || Sleepover

[ Warning: Contains nudity ]


A loud ass vibration came from the nightstand beside us along with her phone vibratin' in her lap making the two of us quickly pull apart.

"Oh shit-"I started to say but she pressed her finger against my lips and climbed off of me.

"Hello?"She answered.

I watched her talk ova' the phone with whoever as if nothin' just happened between us all the while my phone continued to vibrate on the nightstand.

I reached ova' as best as I could and answered it,"Wazzam?"

"August we have a problem."Frances said.

"What's the problem?"

"....Somehow the media got ahold of the news that Treasure is your child and Hazel is your child's mother."

"What?"I sat up straighter which only caused a pain in my lower back. Hazel gave me a weird look as I groaned but I ignored it. This was mo' important at the moment."How Frances?"

"Don't you think if I knew I would've handled it? I don't have any fucking idea! The only reason I told you is because I don't want you finding out any other way."

I sighed then shook my head."How far has it gone?"

"Just about every popular and unpopular blog's gotten ahold of it. I give the tabloids and any tv talk show until tonight."

"Damn."I dropped my head into my hands.

"And it doesn't help that they spotted the two of you out before with the kid."She sighed."So basically what's done is done. You know what this means right?"

"Fuckin' interviewers comin' at my neck."

"No doubt about it."

"Well hopefully you'ca gimmie some leeway and not have all them pressin' me at once."

"That is my job, isn't it? You just worry about checking out of the hospital tomorrow. Leave the rest of this mess to me."

Figurin' it was best that way and that I couldn't do much else about the situation, I just left it alone,"Aight."

I hung up with her just as Hazel hung up with whoever she was on the phone with. She went for her purse on the nightstand while I quietly watched.

"So..."I started off, not really knowin' what to say. I didn't purposely kiss her at all, just like I know she ain't purposely kiss me, it just happened.

"So,"She sighed,"I'm gonna call you tomorrow when I'm going to the airport. When do you get checked out of here?"

I guess that mean we not talkin' about it, coo'.

I cleared my throat."I don't know yet but i'ma ask my doctor when I get the chance and text you."

"Okay. Well Amiyah's outside for me so I'm just gonna,"She pointed her thumb to the do' behind her.

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