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C.25 || What? Prt. 1


I woke up to the sound of somethin' shufflin' around my room noisily. With my eyes shut, I felt around the bed for Treasure to make sho' she was still in. Once I felt her still laid next to me, I relaxed & opened my eyes.

I looked in confusion at Miracle all dressed up while standin' in front of the room takin' her stuff out of the dresser drawer.

I looked in confusion at Miracle all dressed up while standin' in front of the room takin' her stuff out of the dresser drawer

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"Goin' on a vacay?"I stretched out my arms as I sat up.

"If you wanna call it that."She simply stated, not even turning around to look at me.

"Whatchu' mean by that?"

She turned to look at me for a second befo' shruggin',"Nothing."

I pushed my eyebrows togetha' as she continued to move around the room, gatherin' clothes to put in her many suitcases. Deciding not to worry about it I shook my head at her and climbed outta the bed to get to the bathroom. Didn't know what was up wit' her this mawnin'.

She came in afta' me just as I was pickin' up my toothbrush and toothpaste. She took hers out along with the rest of the stuff that usually went into her drawer, bringin' it back in the room to stuff in one of her suitcases. She neva' did that when she usually went on vacation so that led me to believe somethin' was up.

I quickly did the rest of my mawnin' routine before I went into the room and pulled her out, shuttin' the do' behind us so Treasure wouldn't hea'.

"What are you doing?"She questioned me irritably.

"What is you doin'? You packin' all yo' stuff up like you finna leave foreva' or somethin'."

Instead of respondin' to me she folded her arms across her chest and looked away from me.

"Oh."My eyes widened."So das' what this is. You was just finna dip and not tell me?"

She scoffed."As if you even care."

"What? What is you-"

"Nothing. Now just let me go back in the room so I can-"

"Nah, cause it's clear that we need to talk."

"We really don't."She chuckled a lil.

"You mad about somethin'?"

"No August, I'm..."She paused."You know what? Yeah, actually I am mad."

"Fa' what?"I folded my arms across my chest."Cause it gotta be somethin' big for you to be packin' all of your stuff."

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