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C.34 || Making Amends


"You dare me?"He chuckled."Langston you're lucky I don't-"

"What, I'm lucky you don't what? Shoot me? Taze me?"I challenged with a short laugh."I think all these camera's would love that Officer Dickinson."

He eyed me suspiciously before he looked around him to see a few people coming around with their camera phones out–not to mention the store itself has camera's as well.

And if I knew anything about this dumb ass "officer" I knew he liked to keep his image in tact and record squeaky clean. He wouldn't jeopardize that ova' something small like this.

So he cleared his throat uncomfortably and put his hands in his pockets."You two have a good day now girls, stay safe and out of trouble."

He nodded towards the two white broads then backed away from us. The crowd mugged him as he pushed his way through with his head ducked low.

When he was out of our sight the older people in the crowed clapped and held their first up for me. I only shook my head and finally turned around to check on August and Treasure.

"You alright?"

"Shit I'm good."He chuckled and shrugged."I should be askin' you that Super Woman."

I rolled my eyes."He don't scare me-"

"Oh my god, he totally didn't have to act like that towards you."One of the white bitches had the audacity to say from behind August.

He turned around with a agitated look on his face but before he could open his mouth to say something to her I stepped in again.

"Girl shut the fuck up."I stepped up to her.

Her mouth dropped open,"What? Why would you-"

"Because you wasn't saying shit to him when the officer was around so don't open your damn mouth to say nothin' now."

"August, get this girl to chill."The second one backed away from me.

"Say-"He started to speak but I spoke for myself.

I cocked my head to the side."Get me to chill? Bitch if it wasn't for me he'd probably be sprawled out on the floor with six bullets in his back because you couldn't say a few simple words to get the cop gone!"

"Tell her girl! They don't understand it till you tell them!"I heard an elderly woman shout from behind me.

"We did say something. We told him we were fine."The first one scowled.

"Yeah but you never said August wasn't doing you nothin' from jump. If anything the both of y'all came up harassing him and not the otha' way around."

"Look we just wanted an autograph. Things only got rough when you started to act ghetto towards the officer."The second one scoffed.

A bunch of oooh's and I know she didn't(s) spread through the small crowd that formed around us. I placed my hand on my forehead and had to look down to remind myself that I couldn't put my hands on either of them since Treasure was hea'.

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