Chapter 44

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Natural disaster hoarding to survive daily


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 44

    ◎Happy forty-fourth day: a bit more fierce◎

    Hearing Qin Shiwu's voice, Jiang Muyun and Qin Shiwen said, "It's's okay."

    Qin Shiwen breathed a sigh of relief, paused the movie, and turned to watch Qin Shiwu : "It's raining so hard outside, why did you come back? I just boiled hot water this morning, so you hurry up and wash up so you don't catch a cold." When several

    people approached, they could clearly see Qin Shiwu's current state.

    There are gray and black marks on his face, like mud water has been drawn across his face, his glasses are hanging crookedly, his trousers are rolled up to his knees, and he is wearing a disposable raincoat, which is crinkled and stuck to his body.

    But judging from Qin Shiwu's drenched body, this raincoat should have no effect.

    Seeing Qin Shiwu like this, the three of them silently fell silent for a moment.

    Qin Shiwu took off his raincoat and stuffed it into the trash can. Seeing that they didn't speak, he was at a loss again: "What are you looking at?"

    Jiang Muyun couldn't hold back, and sighed: "It really looks like..."

    Qin Shiwu's head The question mark was almost squeezed out: "What does it look like?"

    Qin Shiwen pointed to the projection screen on the wall. On the screen was a man covered in mud and water, approaching the door in the corner with a grinning smile.

    The timing of Qin Shiwen's pause was just right. In the movie, a thunderbolt flashed, illuminating the boss clearly.

    Qin Shiwu smiled and wanted to scold someone, just as a flash of lightning flashed outside the window, their faces perfectly overlapped.

    "Brother, you've worked hard, go and wash." Jiang Muyun hastily pushed Qin Shiwu into the bathroom: "Chu Buwen, pour water!"

    Chu Buwen respectfully brought Qin Shiwu's two hot water bottles. , Qin Shiwen was working overtime to boil water for her brother.

    When Qin Shiwu came out of the shower, the few of them calmed down before they had time to ask him what happened.

    It stands to reason that in the situation outside, he shouldn't have come back at this time.

    Qin Shiwu looked helpless when they asked him: "You were just watching the movie, right? You should look out of the window instead." The

    three of them pretended not to hear the first half of the sentence, and leaned on the window sill to look down.

    Now the rain outside has not slowed down at all, and because of the increasing accumulation of water on the ground, a mist of water is splashed out.

    The three of them watched for a long time but couldn't see the specific situation downstairs, so they could only turn their heads to look at Qin Shiwu.

    Qin Shiwu sighed: "Water has already started to accumulate outside. Seeing that the rain is getting heavier and heavier, the rescue team went to the hospital first to prevent the situation from getting worse.

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