Chapter 103

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Natural disaster hoarding to survive daily


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 103

    ◎Happy one hundred and three days: lofty status ◎

    Destroying traps is much easier than setting traps.

    These traps are basically one-off. Jiang Muyun and Chu Buwen broke off a branch, ran to trigger the traps they saw along the way, and went down the mountain without much delay.

    The plan to move the supplies was determined early in the morning.

    Except for the owners of the mutant dogs, all the people who participated in the settlement were former professional soldiers with rich combat experience. However, those who carry supplies do not have this restriction, a small team of ordinary survivors will do.

    A transport team of hundreds of people led by Tang An and others stood guard not far from the outermost mountains of the western suburbs. Once the battle in the western suburbs was over, someone would go back and notify them to start transporting supplies.

    And the others wouldn't just wait at the foot of the mountain.

    Leave a few people here to report a letter to Tang An and others who arrived later, and then take them up the mountain.

    Others have to go up the mountain first to search for and consolidate the materials on Nanshan, check if there are any secret warehouses and the like, and check if there are any fish that slipped through the net by the way.

    However, Nanshan is not a particularly big place, and it is quite a representative scenic spot in Nanshi. From local residents of Nanshi to tourists from other places, anyone who has been to Nanshi has never visited Nanshan.     Naturally, on the Nanshan Mountain that has been fully developed, there is no area that is not open to the outside world. At most, there are two unknown small caves in the forest without roads.     Even if the base in the western suburbs wanted to find hidden corners on Nanshan to hide supplies, there was no condition for them to discover new places.     The only hidden possibility is the place chosen as the arsenal by the original Nanshi garrison.     During the search of the mountain by those small teams, they indeed found the gate of the Nanshan Army-fire depot.

    The gate that was once buried under the soil layer was well covered, but now the upper soil layer has disappeared. A bare door full of technological sense is laid on the ground, and there are still many excavation marks around it. Take a look. It is known that someone has tried to open it with special means.

    The soldiers at the Nanyi base were all transferred from Haishi with Company Commander Yu, and they knew nothing about the army stationed in Nanshan. of.     The people in the northern base have been staying in the northern suburbs of Nanshi since the rainstorm. They only know that the garrison in Nanshan is the main force of Nanshi, and they don't know the exact location of the army-ammunition depot.     It’s just that this door is probably quite familiar to them. Even if they didn’t know what this place was for before, they can guess after seeing the door.     The arsenal of Nanshi's main force, the arsenal, it would be a lie to say that it is not tempting.     After discovering the existence of this door, someone rushed to report the situation to Company Commander Yu and Meng San.     Company Commander Yu and Meng San stayed in the fairy cave where everyone at the base in the western suburbs had been.     Needless to say, these people really do not forget to enjoy themselves in the last days.     People not only like to enjoy, but also know how to enjoy.     Sofa, carpet, refrigerator, air conditioner, and a projector playing a movie.     Company Commander Yu was amazed: "I thought we would be rich enough to store some ice in winter, but I didn't expect that there are people who can turn on the air conditioner so luxuriously."     Jiang Muyun asked curiously: "Why didn't you guys try to get it? " Some saltpeter?"     Jiang Muyun and others also wanted to go to the urban area to buy saltpeter, but they first settled in the suburbs, and when they recovered, it was too late to remember this.     At that time, they felt that the glass factory had probably been looted, and they didn't want to go door-to-door searching the survivors in the urban area, and they didn't have the capital to exchange materials with people, so they had to give up on this matter.

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