Chapter 78

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Natural disaster hoarding to survive daily


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Chapter 78

    ◎The seventy-eighth day of happiness: Dried this mushroom ◎


    Among other things, the addition of food types can still make people feel better.

    It’s not just a day or two that life is hard outside, and the loss of hope once again has dealt a big blow to everyone, but it’s not to the point of being unloved.

    Jiang Muyun held up Dabai and showed it to everyone: "Of course I don't dare to eat wild mushrooms casually, but isn't there a little baby in our house?"

    Dabai meowed quite cooperatively.

    Zhao Jiahao cheered up again, carrying an open backpack as a bamboo basket, a group of people excitedly began to search the mountain to pick up mushrooms.

    They are still very cautious, and they don't forget to wear gloves and masks when picking mushrooms to prevent accidental injuries from strange things. The trousers should also be tied well, as mosquitoes have started to move recently.

    "To tell you the truth, I now have the illusion that I am in a tropical rainforest." Qin Shiwen pressed his sleeves into his gloves, and jumped over a tree trunk that somehow grew horizontally.     It has just finished raining, and the grove that has just begun to take shape is humid and hot, with various eye-catching plants growing lush and lush, and occasionally insects can be seen passing by, it does look a bit like a tropical rainforest.     Jiang Muyun thought of the golden python that lived in the underground garage in Nanshi: "Don't, when you talk about the tropical rainforest, I think of the plague of pythons. If we also get one here, the few of us are enough for others to eat." Meal."     "Is this going to be three meals?" Wang Qingqing said.     Qin Shiwen kicked away a clump of unusually dense weeds at his feet: "I can't bear this, Wang Qingqing, have you prayed today?"     Wang Qing raised his eyebrows: "I still pray today? This is not appropriate Three meals for the bottom line!"     Qin Shiwen followed the voice and looked in her direction, and before he could speak, he saw Wang Qingqing squatting next to a large clump of unknown crops with white flowers, and looked at him repeatedly.

    Before Qin Shiwen could identify what species Wang Qingqing was staring at, Wang Qingqing slapped his thigh and said, "Cloud! My cloud! Hurry up and bring Dabai here! This thing seems to be harmless!" Jiang

    Muyun One look and you can tell it doesn't seem like that big clump that Wang Qingqing is staring at is mutant straw mushrooms.

    It seems they are lucky.

    Even if the mountain grows full of mushrooms after the rain, what kind of species can grow depends on luck.

    The mutation of mushrooms is just that the vitality becomes more tenacious, and the requirements for growth conditions are lowered. It does not mean that they can grow at will without picking any place at all.

    Straw mushrooms are usually cultivated with materials with sufficient nitrogen and carbon content such as straw, waste cotton, and bagasse. If there are none, it depends on whether there are any special conditions that can just meet the carbon and nitrogen needs of straw mushrooms.

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