Part 1

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hhyun.jin practice for upcoming project~


feelixx ;)
    hhyun.jin @ feelixx ;)

Lknow you better stop slacking-off
   hhyun.jin @ Lknow too bossy
       Lknow @ hyyun.jin i'm your boss...

Y/n smiled at the post on her phone. Hyunjin mentioned he had an performance soon, but both Felix and him were being secretive. She brought her hand to her face to take another hit from her blunt, now burnt practically to the filter. Y/n exhaled and dropped it in the ashtray, barely bothering to put it out.

"Yah Y/n... are you even listening?"

She lazily looked up from her screen, seeing Jisung wave his hand in her face. His own eyes were red and droopy which made Y/n laugh slightly.

"What exactly are you showing me?" She said.

He rolled his chair closer and showed her his notebook with various lyrics on the page.

"Look, I'm trying to write for this beat Chan showed me the other day. For the opening, I'm thinking like this: 'Excuse me noona, do you have a boyfriend?'" He said proudly, adding a few hand gestures.

Y/n stared dumbfounded, barely holding the smile back on her face. She could barely keep from laughing when she spoke.

"wait say that again"

Jisung sighed in annoyance before straightening in his chair and repeating same hand gestures.

"Excuse me noona do you have a boyfriend?"

This time Y/n couldn't stop herself from busting out laughing. She put her hand on his shoulder to keep from falling out the chair. Y/n laughed until she could feel tears in her eyes and could barely breath. Jisung just sat watching, slightly chuckling from the contagious laughter but mostly feeling offended.

"You can't be serious." She finally managed out.

"What? It's attention getting!"

"You know what? Definitely keep it. I want to hear how you feel about having rapped that in 3 years." She said, leaning back into the chair.

"I know you're making fun of me but I'm keeping it." Jisung said, circling some words on his page and turning back to the desk.

She debated going back on her phone, but simply stared ahead instead. She suddenly began to feel cold in just her t-shirt. She glanced at the fan next to the desk that was blasting on high.

"Jisung turn the fan down, it's freezing."

"No way, I like the fan."

"Yeah I do too but I think one level down works just fine."

"I need it to focus."

"Fine then I'm going to my room." Y/n said, standing up and going to look for a hoodie.

She walked down the hallway away from her brothers room and into her own, knowing exactly what hoodie she wanted to wear. She had the perfect one in mind; oversized but not too much, the perfect combination of soft and worn.

Looking in her closet, she couldn't seem to find it anywhere. Ah damn.. I let Felix borrow it. He was supposed to give it back. She groaned, pulling out her phone to send a text.

She stared at the message screen, willing her thumbs to press the letters. After a moment she gave up and decided to just call, the little letters seeming slightly jumbled.

Changbin sat in his living room, waiting for his roommate to come back from the bathroom so he could unpause their show. He slightly jumped when he heard a loud ring next to him. He looked and saw Felix's phone, ringing repeatedly. He yelled for Felix, but he had only just left and didn't seem to be coming back soon. Changbin picked up the phone to see who it was, reading the contact name on the screen.

Moonlight is calling? Great.. of course Felix names his contacts anything but their name.

Changbin rolled his eyes, debating whether or not he should pickup. Before he could decide, the rings stopped and the phone went to voicemail. A moment later, the message began playing out loud.

YAH why didn't you answer my call?! I need to talk to you.

Changbin was a bit surprised at the voice through the speaker. Her voice sounds cool.. like it could be a sample for a song maybe?

I need my hoodie back. It's my favorite one you big thief! You better call back.. or text me.. or even just bring me my hoodie now. Well I guess it is too late, but you better tomorrow!

A little less cool.. Changbin thought, nevertheless intrigued. He opened the phone and looked at the contact. The photo was simply set to an emoji of the moon, providing very little information. Without thinking, Changbin pulled out his own phone and saved the number. Quickly, he set his roommates phone down, just before he walked back into the room.

"Your phone rang and played the voicemail. Moonlight wants her hoodie back."

Felix looked down at the hoodie he was wearing, a sheepish grin on his face.

"oops." He said, sitting on the couch and pressing play on the tv.

Changbin didn't look up, instead he stared at his messages wondering what to send.

Y/n settled into her bed, getting comfy in her second favorite hoodie. She curled up on her phone, soon after getting a text.

Aren't you coming back?


I need more advice. and company. and snacks. Grab me the chips I left on the kitchen table on your way here? <3

only bc you rolled earlier

Y/n forced herself out of bed, navigating the apartment to grab the chips and return to Jisungs room. When she arrived, she threw the chips on the desk and flopped onto the bed, opening a game on her phone to play when a new text chimed.

Changbin x Reader - Text MeWhere stories live. Discover now