Part 4

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Liked by hhyun

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Liked by hhyun.jin and others

y.nn who needs notes for class anyways


hhyun.jin so this is why you always borrow mine?
      y.nn @ hhyun.jin thanks in advnace
      feelixx @ y.nn @ hhyun.jin should we study later today? xx

j1.ji sister slay
        y.nn @ j1.ji please don't talk like that

ji please don't talk like that

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Liked by Lknow and others

j1.ji stay tuned @ chris97 @ spear_b


spear_b yohhh

spear_b yohhh

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Liked by y.nn and others

feelixx best person to bother when i'm on my break @ spear_b


hhyun.jin i feel a bit betrayed
       feelixx @ hhyun.jin you're the best to bother when im NOT on my break
       Lknow @ feelixx when do you do actual work?

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