Part 11

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Y/n looked at her phone, jsut starting to reach for her headphones to listen to the audio sent by Bin. She wanted to read the lyrics and listen at the same time, trying to imagine how it would be sang. Before she could, Hyunjin sighed dramatically, pulling her attention away from the phone.

"This is sooo boring. I can barely focus on studying I'm too tried from work this morning." He said dramatically. "Seungmin! I need another americano.. put it on my tab." Hyunjin continued, waving towards the counter.

"You don't have a tab." Seungmin grumbled, nevertheless beginning to make a coffee.

Next to Y/n, Felix set his pencil down, looking up from his notebook. "If you think working part-time at the company is hard imagine full time! You know how Changbin is my roommate and he works there full time? Sometimes he doesn't come home until 3, 4 or even 5 am! He just stays working..."

Y/n set her own phone down, joining in on the conversation. "Jisung is the same way. But I'm pretty sure most days is just from when they hang out at Chan's house after work."

"But what do you think they do at Chan's house? Y/n that's when they make all the 3racha music! It's like working two jobs."

"Yeah, and my two jobs are part time dancer at JYP, and full time university student!" Hyunjin said, following it with another dramatic sigh.

Seungmin sat the now finished drink on the table, sliding into the booth besides Hyunjin.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Work, and school." Y/n said in an unenthusiastic tone.

"Man work is draining, I have to make so desserts everyday, so many americanos for Hyunjin, it gets tiring." Seungmin said as he slouched into to the booth seat.

"But isn't one day inheriting  this cafe your passion?! Kim Seungmin?!" Felix questioned.

"Yah! I'm a student too you know! I only work here to pay my dad back for school.. it's his passion not mine... I don't hate it though.. I have great memories here.." Seugnmin said thinking back on the past.

The bell on the door chimed, signaling that a costumer came it. Seugnmin waved goodbye and went to take their order, leaving the other 3 to study again.

However, Y/n couldn't focus on studying, instead thinking about the lyrics and audio from Bin. Her curiosity was getting the best of her, so she decided to take a listen. She reached for her phone and headphones once again, getting ready to listen. As soon as she took her headphones out of her bag, Hyunjin spoke again.

"Can I please borrow someone's headphones? I need to watch this video lecture. Please!" He begged, looking between Y/n and Felix.

"Sorry, I didn't bring mine." Felix shrugged, only leaving Y/n as an option. She sighed and handed them over to Hyunjin. The faster he finishes the faster I can go home and listen. She thought.

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